
The upcoming edition of the FRAME Master's program will start soon.
Please check this page for further updates.

In the meantime, if you’re truly interested in launching your career in NGOs, take a look at our PMC and HOPE Master’s programs.

Euro-Project Management and
Local Development

June 2023 and December 2023– 49th Edition
Blended Formula

First in the Sector since 1999

Director: Sabrina Munaò

Managing Projects, People,
Administration and Logistics in the Field

December 2023 – 13th Edition
Blended Formula

First in the Sector since 2014

Director: Riccardo Sansone


Philanthropy, Sustainability, Change Making , Behavioral Economics, Ethic Business, Social Innovation

Leader in Europefor history, number of students trained and partner NGOs

since 1999 – at its 44rd edition (English)

Training provided in blended formula: eLearning + workshops


Find out here on linkedin  where our Alumni work in the world.

Social Change School is a global ecosystem and the largest professional European cooperation network, with over 1000 alumni worldwide.

Supported by Universidad de Nebrija, providing the students with a double title and 60 ECTS.

Be the Change!

HPass - Learning Provider certificates 2

The Master in Fundraising Management is EFA certified – Excellence Fundraising Training

The Social Change School is among the HPass Learning Provided first certificates in the world

Partner Associations

The blended formula, partly based on eLearning platform with monthly workshops during the weekends, allows presence for those who work or in general cannot afford to waste another year in a classroom.


  • Master starts: June 2022
  • eLearning + 33 workshops in 8 long weekends (approximately one per month) in Rome, Madrid and Milan
  • Field Experience 4 days an organization to plan and improvetheir fundraising plan
  • Real Project Work: under supervision on a subject of the student’s choice.
  • Internship at least 200 hours up to 6 months.
  • Matching – Presentation of your profile to the NGOs, Foundations, Cultural entities
Download the programme for more information regarding the didactic structure, contents, dates and lecturers!


We live in an interconnected and complex world where every macro problem involves all the actors that make up the various contexts. Non-Profit Organisations are also experiencing a great push of change that they cannot fail to accept, as they play an increasingly strategic role in the structures of society. In these scenarios where uncertainty, ambiguity and volatility make all phenomena complex, the meaning and characteristics of fundraising are changing considerably.

There is still a lot to be done to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and all the actors in society are called upon to commit themselves in an integrated and responsible manner.

For this reason, fundraising today is no longer conceivable only as a set of techniques but as an integrated development process based on the construction of meaningful relationships through the transfer of the value chain.

Fundraising today, as never before, is strongly linked to the holistic concept of sustainability, which has become a top priority among decision-makers in our current global economic and political context as it affects not only the environment, but also well-being and economic growth.

In this context, the business world is called upon to affirm and recognise its commitment to sustainable development by building partnerships with civil society actors and NGOs that together can lead to community improvement and growth, generating shared social value and contributing to a future of inclusion and development.

This Master is one of the first in Europe that combines and integrates these aspects, giving modern fundraising an even stronger role in stimulating organisational change in the non-profit sector by pushing decision-makers towards a multistakeholder and strongly relational vision.

Leading in Europe in terms of history, certifications, number of trainees trained and NGO partners since 1999 at its 43rd edition.

The Master is designed both for those who work in the Third Sector and for those who want to enter it, both looking for maximum professional impact and a solid profile certification, spendable at international level.


The Master combines theoretical rigour with the application of contemporary best professional practices.

The Master Program: 4 integrated AREAS

AREA Fundraising and Philanthropy – New scenarios and trends, an in-depth look at effective fundraising techniques and tools, the fundraising cycle, analysis of donor decision-making processes; the new philanthropy, fundraising management and good governance, strategy and campaign planning, monitoring and evaluation, soft skills for effective fundraising.

AREA: Corporate Social Responsibility – the construction of sharing value partnerships, the value matrix; research and impact measurement; acquisition and management of corporate partners; virtuous exchange; KPIs and monitoring of results; corporate volunteering; due diligence; ethical business.

AREA: Sustainability – the evolution of the concept of sustainability: corporate governance and new hybrid organisational models, the redefinition of business models in terms of strategic social innovation, social needs as drivers for strategic innovation, circular economy and the supply chain in, stakeholder engagement tools, behavioural economics and sustainable decision making, ethical finance and alternative financing models: social bonds and crowdfunding, financial sustainability of non-profit initiatives, sustainability report and social and environmental reporting standards, sustainability communication and greenwashing.

AREA: Research – The Italian non-profit sector is a victim of anecdote, hearsay and ‘it has always been done this way’. However, it is true that, as also highlighted by the European Fundraising Association, professional practice is not enough in itself. What works in one organisation does not necessarily work in another organisation. It is therefore necessary – for a functioning sector – that professionals have the ability to generate evidence-based theories in order to translate data into professional practice. This module will transfer the skills needed to do and understand research in the fields outlined in the previous modules and will end with a research project that will count as the final master’s paper.

Company visits and project work in partner companies that are in line with high standards of sustainability are planned.


At the end of the Master you will gain:

  1. A clear understanding of the most relevant changes affecting the third sector fundraising and the key factors for its development.
  2. Practical insights into the most innovative ways of creating an effective RF strategy, including in collaboration with the corporate world.
  3. Clear understanding of the design, implementation and evaluation of innovative and alternative fundraising strategies and techniques.
  4. Expertise in managing strategic and complex partnerships, leadership and analytical skills.
  5. Access to an established partner network and connections within the industry.
  6. Understanding of research techniques and their application.   

The FRAME Master’s programme boasts a multidisciplinary portfolio of faculty with high levels of experience and knowledge in the non-profit, corporate and sustainability sectors.


Because what we are offering you is not just ‘another course’, but a clear professional profile, among the most requested. We take care and the responsibility for your practical preparation as only those who come from the field can do.

  • The courage to have a dream: You will have as lecturers only the best managers and professionals, shared with the School by the best organisations, to train you according to the required standards.
  • Full employment: Because the employment rate is 90% within a year (50% of the students find a job in the very same organization where they did the Training Period. 10% don’t access to the market within a year for personal-family-work-logistics-maternity, or other reasons). The Career Development Service works with you developing your “Career Plan” and introducing you in the right way, taking in consideration ambition and caution of the choices.
  • Internationality: FRAME is an International Program, with European (and not only European) lecturers and students, that combines quality, accessibility (affordable cost + scholarships) and flexibility (thanks to the eLearning + workshops formula, that makes it easier to attend).
  • Certifications: the FRAME Master is a double title with Universidad de Nebrija providing 60 ECTS. Also, EFA-Fundraising Excellence certified, a framework that establishes solid and professional standards.

The Social Change School is among the first certified in the world as HPass Learning Provider.

  • Experience, History and Worldwide Network: the School puts its experience, contacts, relationships, international community and the willingness to sharing of hundreds of fellows living in almost all the countries of the world.
  • Management Competences: are you able to pitch with a Company, or present the project to a Foundation? The managerial development feature “keeps you safe”, allowing you to have basic skills in Conflict Management, Negotiation, Stress Management, Assertiveness, Public Speaking, Time and Organization Management.

Be the change! Can you see the Master as a powerful lever for social change? We believe that your professional commitment is fundamental to enhance the quality of the different sectors. We believe that you, with your passion and professionalism, can be the change for the lives of thousands of people. We do not just consider you a student, but as a social activist, a rights’ defender, a person interested not only in “doing projects” but in changing systems: a heavily committed “social” professional.

Do you recognize yourself in this description? Do you feel you can have the right potential to be the change? Book the admission and evaluation interview for your benefit (for a right choice), the NGOs’ (on your human and professional quality) and of course for the good name of the School – represented by each of its fellows, all over the world.

Download the Master Programme and ask for an admission and evaluation interview

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