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SCS - Profiessional profile - Individual Giving Fundraiser

Individual Donors

Individual Donors: come ricorda sempre Giancarla Pancione, Direttrice Marketing e Fundraising di Save The Children Italia, quello delle persone è l’ambito di raccolta ancora nettamente prevalente in Italia. E’ in buona parte a questo-oltre che in generale ad un buon management ed al network internazionale,  che  si deve l’aumento di Save  del 428% dal 2007 […]

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SCS - Profiessional profile - Fundraising Manager

Fundraising Manager

He/she comes from previous experiences as member of a fundraising organization or he/she was a manager or consultant in the for profit sector (in Marketing, Business Administration, Communication). He/she plans and manages fundraising strategies, by checking their effectiveness and improving relations and partnerships. In addition, he/she plans brand awareness and brand reputation.

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