
Social Innovation

Social innovation may have different forms, included that of a potato.

Marco Crescenzi|  Social innovation may have different forms, included that of a potato. NGOs, governments, ecologists, and the World Bank consider the shortage of drinking water one of the main causes of poverty. One-fifth of the world’s population lives in drought areas, and climate change will worsen this problem. In addition, 50% of the world’s […]

Social innovation may have different forms, included that of a potato. Leggi tutto »

Tutti nudi sullo schermo: Fund raising, innovazione sociale, impact investing senza veli.

Sandro Calvani | 01 ottobre 2013 “Conosci la verità e la verità ti farà libero”: l’antichissima saggezza espressa in diversi testi sacri la dice lunga sui freni e gli incentivi dell’innovazione sociale. La verità accende il cambiamento perchè rende i leader liberi dagli errori del passato e capaci di cercare un futuro migliore. Nei  quattro

Tutti nudi sullo schermo: Fund raising, innovazione sociale, impact investing senza veli. Leggi tutto »

The world book of love part 2 Migrants or expatriates, love does not stop at the borders

Sandro Calvani |5 september  2013 In January 1985 ‘We are the world’, one of the century’s most famous song, made a strong global call for help and love for the hungry people  in Northern Ethiopia during the worst famine in decades. At the same time, Dr Sandro Calvani was working in Makallè (Ethiopia) as a

The world book of love part 2 Migrants or expatriates, love does not stop at the borders Leggi tutto »

Social innovation and education without walls

Sandro Calvani | 13 giugno 2013   Some of the greatest innovators of our time including Bill Gates (Microsoft), Steve Jobs (Apple) and Marck Zuckerberg (Facebook) have changed the world of business and of the market without having obtained first an academic degree in their education. Some of them attempted to obtain it but then became

Social innovation and education without walls Leggi tutto »

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