Extrema Ratio

‘Conosciamoci!’: Susana Ferreira, Coordinatrice del Master HOPE ed esperta in Sicurezza e Relazioni Internazionali

In questo nuovo capitolo di “Conosciamoci” incontriamo Susana Ferreira, Coordinatrice del Master HOPE – Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies Managing Projects, People, Administration & Logistic in the field. Ciò che si nota immediatamente quando si incontra Susana sono la sua personalità energica e il suo sguardo acuto, e ci si sente immediatamente a proprio agio in sua […]

‘Conosciamoci!’: Susana Ferreira, Coordinatrice del Master HOPE ed esperta in Sicurezza e Relazioni Internazionali Leggi tutto »

Workshop a Roma su Fundraising Strategies & Planning per il Master FRAME

“Fundraising Strategies & Planning” a Roma per il Master FRAME Dal 16 al 19 Novembre, il Master FRAME in Fundraising Management in the NGOs Business Administration, Marketing, Communication, Social Media, Campaigns, era a Roma per il Workshop su FUNDRAISING STRATEGIES & PLANNING, tenuto presso Latte Creative. Gli studenti sono stati guidati dai professionisti: Giampiero Giacomel – Master FRAME

Workshop a Roma su Fundraising Strategies & Planning per il Master FRAME Leggi tutto »

Master PMC a Bruxelles: Workshop in Europroject Management nel cuore d’Europa

Workshop in Europroject Management standards, programmes, strategies and techniques Dal 14 al 16 Novembre, il Workshop del Master PMC – Project Management for International Cooperation, Euro-Project Management and Local Development si è tenuto a Bruxelles e condotto da Bruno Mola, Consultant and trainer in Development Policies, Project Design and Management, Monitoring & Evalutation, e tenuto presso Les Auberges de Jeunesse. L’argomento

Master PMC a Bruxelles: Workshop in Europroject Management nel cuore d’Europa Leggi tutto »

Jean Claude ce l’ha fatta! E tu? Borse di Studio Social Change School

Borse di Studio Social Change School: scadenza il 20 novembre Jean Claude ce l’ha fatta! E tu? Da rifugiato politico in Cameroon, nel 2013 diventa il primo rifugiato ad entrare a far parte dell’ Associazione Nazionale Giornalisti come “giornalista professionista”, e grazie alla  borsa di studio Social Change School ha frequentato il Master HOPE in Humanitarian

Jean Claude ce l’ha fatta! E tu? Borse di Studio Social Change School Leggi tutto »

Il Master in Fundraising arriva a Madrid: Fundraising Channels Workshop con ONG partner

Workshop su Fundraising Channels: Communication, Campaigning, Lobbying, Web Marketing, Social Media! Dal 26 al 29 Ottobre, gli studenti di FRAME- Master in FundRaising Management in the NGOs Business Administration, Marketing, Communication, Social Media, Campaigns, hanno partecipato al Workshop su Fundraising Channels: Communication, Campaigning, Lobbying, Web Marketing, Social Media.  Ancora una volta, il Workshop si è tenuto a

Il Master in Fundraising arriva a Madrid: Fundraising Channels Workshop con ONG partner Leggi tutto »

Master HOPE arriva a Roma per il Workshop su “Disaster Management”

Workshop su “Disaster Management – Project and Program Management for Emergencies”   Tra il 20 e il 22 Ottobre, il ciclo di Workshop “DISASTER MANAGEMENT – PROJECT AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENT FOR EMERGENCIES”  per il Master HOPE – in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies, Managing Projects, People Administration & Logistic in the Field,  Edizione Giugno 2017, si è tenuto a Roma,

Master HOPE arriva a Roma per il Workshop su “Disaster Management” Leggi tutto »

Master in Fundraising lands in Madrid: Fundraising Channels workshop with our partner NGOs

Workshop on Fundraising Channels: Communication, Campaigning, Lobbying, Web Marketing, Social Media! From October 26th to the 29th, students of FRAME- Master in FundRaising Management in the NGOs Business Administration, Marketing, Communication, Social Media, Campaigns, participated to the Workshop on Fundraising Channels: Communication, Campaigning, Lobbying, Web Marketing, Social Media. Once again, the Workshop took place in Madrid and it was

Master in Fundraising lands in Madrid: Fundraising Channels workshop with our partner NGOs Leggi tutto »

Social Change School con Erasmus Student Network: borse di studio per i futuri leader del NonProfit!

Social Change School con Erasmus Student Network Italia Continua la collaborazione con Erasmus Student Network Italia. Per il secondo anno successivo sono a disposizione 2 borse di studio dedicate ai membri del Network per frequentare uno dei tre Master Internazionali della Social Change School: PMC – MASTER IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, EURO-PROJECT MANAGEMENT

Social Change School con Erasmus Student Network: borse di studio per i futuri leader del NonProfit! Leggi tutto »

Master HOPE lands in Rome for the Workshop on “Disaster Management”

Between the 20th and the 22nd of October, the cycle of workshops on “DISASTER MANAGEMENT. PROJECT AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENT FOR EMERGENCIES”  for Master HOPE – in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies, Managing Projects, People Administration & Logistic in the Field,  June 2017 Edition, was held in Rome, at the Polo Didattico, and it was led by Silva Ferretti, Independent Consultant, Humanitarian

Master HOPE lands in Rome for the Workshop on “Disaster Management” Leggi tutto »

Sandro Calvani, Strategic Adviser and President of the Scientific Committee of the Social Change School, about “nudging toward sustainable development”

Sandro Calvani, President of the Scientific Committee of the Social Change School and Strategic Adviser for our Master in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies, comments 2017 Nobel Prize in Economics winner Prof Richard Thaler’s “nudge theory” in an article written for the Bangkok Post about sustainable development.  Read the article here: Nudging the nation toward sustainable development

Sandro Calvani, Strategic Adviser and President of the Scientific Committee of the Social Change School, about “nudging toward sustainable development” Leggi tutto »

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