
Humanitarian Finance, Logistics and Advocacy Workshop

Workshop su Humanitarian Finance, Logistics and Advocacy in Emergencies per gli studenti del Master HOPE

Lo scorso weekend, la Social Change School ha organizzato un workshop per gli studenti del Master HOPE presso la sede di ENGIM a Roma. Il workshop si è focalizzato sugli aspetti più importanti dell’ humanitarian finance, logistics, e advocacy in contesti di emergenza e ha accolto esperti del settore come Cristiano Gavarini, Deputy Finance Director […]

Workshop su Humanitarian Finance, Logistics and Advocacy in Emergencies per gli studenti del Master HOPE Read More »

Social innovation may have different forms, included that of a potato.

Marco Crescenzi|  Social innovation may have different forms, included that of a potato. NGOs, governments, ecologists, and the World Bank consider the shortage of drinking water one of the main causes of poverty. One-fifth of the world’s population lives in drought areas, and climate change will worsen this problem. In addition, 50% of the world’s

Social innovation may have different forms, included that of a potato. Read More »

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