
Let’s get started with… HOPE

On Thursday 29th of January, 2015 ASVI Social Change hosted its first Open Day for its Master HOPE – Master in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies at Intersos, in Rome. This first day was the ideal opportunity to meet lecturers and experts in the field, who will hold classes and workshops as part of HOPE’s programme. Among others were some representatives of ASVI’s partners: Intersos – Main Partner, Save the Children and Agire, just to mention a few. Holding a speech were Lodovico Mariani – Co-Ordinator of Master Hope and Operational Support and Training Coordinator of Intersos, Marco Bertotto – Director of Master HOPE and Head of Public Awareness at Medici Senza Frontiere, and directly from Bangkok Sandro Calvani, Senior Advisor of Master HOPE and Professor of Humanitarian Affairs in International Politics at the Masters of Arts in International Relations at Webster University,Thailand. Below is a brief interview to Calvani who, not only introduced himself and his extraordinary experiences in 65 different countries around the world, but also highlighted the importance of training future Humanitarian Officers with the competences and the attitude needed in order to put people at the centre of international action.

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