
Emmanuelle Lacroix

Emmanuelle Lacroix

Emergency - PMC - Hope - FRM

Talent Management & Learning practitioner for the Humanitarian and Development sector since 2005, Emmanuelle is currently leveraging her partnership brokering skills working as Partnership Development Manager for the CSOD Foundation and DisasterReady.org.

Previously, she worked as People Capacity & Development Manager with the CHS Alliance (formally People In Aid) and Humanitarian HR Manager for Save the Children UK (HQ and field) and the British Red Cross (including a year spent in the Maldives after the Tsunami).

She holds a French Licence in International Business (University Lumiere – Lyon II), a BA (Hons) in European Studies and a PGDip in HR Management (both with London Metropolitan University).

Her professional journey brings together a diverse international operational experience and a commitment to quality and accountability, with a focus on enabling performance improvement and capacity strengthening for organisations and individuals operating in complex environments globally.

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