
Master HOPE: Workshop in Project and Program Management at INTERSOS

Learning by experiencing

From March 17th to the 19th, students of HOPE- Master in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies Managing Projects, People, Administration & Logistic in the field, participated to the Workshop on Project and Program Management. The Workshop took place in Rome, it was hosted by Intersos, which is Partern of the Social Change Schooland it was led by Silva Ferretti, Independent Consultant.

During the Workshop the students had the chance to learn what project and program management involve within humanitarian programs, and to get in touch and practice some of the different approaches related to these very important and complex subjects and dynamics. 

The lesson has been highly interactive. One of the main tool used during the Workshop has been the Blog ‘Hope Training 2017, created by the students, where they could upload and comment in real time the main topics that had been addressed and the principal activities they had been involved in. 

HOPE-Workshop Giulia 2

The students said that developing the lesson in such an interactive way was very useful; one of them affirmed that «it is important to have the possibility to work in group while learning how to work on a logframe and to develop and use the theory of change. We learned the importance and we experienced the need to cooperate with the others».

The workshop led by Silva Ferretti has been very interesting and gave to everyone the chance to learn not only about new contents, but also how to use them and the added value that we can gain while using them in different contexts and with different objectives.

By Giulia Pizzuti


Do you want to work in the NGOs? Ask now for the Admission and Professional Potential Evaluation Interview, one hour of in-depth dialogue with the managers and HRM of our partner NGOs! 


Photo credits to Giulia Pizzuti, Social Change School  

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