Up! di MarcoCescenzi

UP! La vita è una sola

Overcoming crises and rebuilding a better version of yourself.

Realizing you are a “victim” of life ( your own or other people’s) and finding yourself in the dumps without even realizing it can happen abruptly, if you don’t have awareness and strategy. “UP! You only have one life” provides many affectionate and grounded indications on “what to do” when we fall to the ground, and how to start again once we are back “UP”, bringing with us the people we care about. Rejecting the paradigm of individualistic self-help, “UP!” also focuses on well-being in a dimension of community, on “being with others and for others”.
  • Who do I want to be, what is the story I want to tell about myself?
  • How can I be at my best, for my own good and for the people around me?
  • How can I handle myself when I’m sick?
  • How can I rebuild myself and work to overcome the limits of my Ego and my sense of self-importance?
Through questions and cases, “UP!” talks with the reader and challenges them, becoming a mirror to find and read oneself thoroughly and with the right interpretations. Between Buddhist wisdom, Stoic tradition and cognitive-behavioral techniques, it suggests a strategic approach to life that will allow us to improve, relieving us of that ego and sense of “personal importance” that are impeding our ability to fly high. Find out more about the author, Marco Crescenzi, Founder and President of Social Change School.
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