
Workshop: ‘Scenario Paradigms, Legal Framework, Strategic Perspective’ – an NGOs’ strategic insight

Giulia Pizzuti | Head of Didactics

The workshop of the Area Scenario paradigms, legal framework, strategic perspectives, took place in Rome from the 28th to the 30th of January 2017. 13 students of HOPEMaster in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies Managing Projects, People, Administration & Logistics in the field participated at the workshop.

“When you see someone in danger, your natural instincts that tells you that you have to do something, and if you don’t you feel guilty. Being human is humane.” (G.Rufini)

The first class began at 9:30. Gianni Rufini, General Director of Amnesty International Italy spoke about ‘Humanitarian Aid and Ethics. Definition, Concept and History. Principles, Accountability and Codes of Conduct’.

During the first part of the lesson the definition and the history of humanitarianism was explained and discussed. Furthermore the main humanitarian Aid have been presented. In the afternoon the workshop continued with a class held by Davide Berruti, HR Manager at Intersos. Berruti explained: What humanitarian emergency  is? The context: major crisis and root causes, affected communities, fleeing people. Starting with the explanation, characteristics and examples of how you can approach the different contexts of intervention, Berruti continued presenting which is the chain of crisis triggers, the actors within the humanitarian response.

The first day of the workshop was extremely interesting and the students actively participated while being introduced to the humanitarian aid context and characteristics , they had the chance to share and get in touch with the first hand witnesses of humanitarian aid mission to which Rufini and Berruti participated.

During the second day of the workshop, HOPE students participated at Francesco Leone’s Attorney of law class, who presented The Role of Red Cross, The DIU and the International Movement of Red Cross. During the second part of the morning Silvia Fontana, Head of Career Service at Social Change School presented the HR development paths in Humanitarian Aid and while explaining the NGO structure and the roles and profiles within the Humanitarian Aid Organizations, the importance to gain the main capacities to become a professional in this sectors have been deeply stressed. This message has been fully shared by the students that while explaining their reasons to apply to the HOPE Master, affirmed that in line with the working experiences they already had in Humanitarian Aid projects, they wish to gain the right tools and knowledge to became professionals and be able to make the differences in this sector.

During the last day of the workshop, Lodovico Mariani, Director of the Master HOPE and Finance and Administrator Director at Amref Health Africa Italia, introduced the Humanitarian coordination and the different actors; afterwards Gianluca Ranzato, Humanitarian Surge Team Manager at Save the Children and Maria Rita Ceccaroni, member of the Humanitarian Surge team at Save the Children presented the challenges you can face in the Humanitarian Aid project. During the class Maria Rita gave many examples of the topics that were discussed during her last mission in Mozambique.


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