
Master PMC in Rome: Workshop with INTERSOS, CooperAction Onlus and Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo

“Project Management Monitoring and Evaluation Techniques & Processes” is the latest Workshop held at the Polo Didattico – Rome, from the 25th to the 28th of May 2017, for the students who started the Master PMC- Project Management for International Cooperation, Euro-Project Management and Local Development in December 2016.

The four days have been intense and rich in laboratories during which the students could put into practice the theory and tools acquired thanks to professionals from the field.

The first day focused on “MONITORING AND EVALUATION: Principles, tools and strategies” with Alessio Di Carlo, co-director Master PMC, and Vice-President of COOPERACTION ONLUS. He covered concepts such as the criteria of Monitoring and Evaluation, the Logical Framework as a tool for Evaluation, Efficiency of Monitoring with in the end, practical exercises.

During the second day, A. Di Carlo, focused on “MONITORING IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT”, providing both theory and practice to the students on the creation of monitoring matrixes and indicators of Efficiency, Effectiveness and Context.

The lecturer of the third day was instead Marco Spada, International Development Senior Consultant and Debt Swap Senior Expert at Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, who presented the theme of “PROJECT MANAGEMENT ON THE FIELD”, with a focus on the management of supplies, costs, timings, activities in EU contracts and on how to implement contracts according to donors’ requirements.

The final day was led by Cristiano Gavarini, HQ Finance Officer at INTERSOS, and it dealt with “THE FINANCIAL REPORTING OF A PROJECT: Principles and tools of a narrative and financial report of a project”, engaging the students in a role playing game focused on the topic of Audit.

Cinzia D’Intino, Didactic Coordinator, would like to share some of the comments made by the students on the lecturers:

”Really qualified and passionate about the topic” 

”Great teacher!!! He was able to involve us and interest us, excellent methodology!”.

In overall, everyone was satisfied by the level of the workshop and the engagement between lecturers and students.



Do you want to work in the NGOs? Apply now for the Admission and Professional Potential Evaluation Interview, one hour of in-depth dialogue with the managers and HRM of our partner NGOs! 


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