
First HOPE Workshop: “Scenario – Paradigms, legal framework, strategic perspectives”

The students of HOPE – Master In Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies Managing Projects, People, Administration & Logistic in the field, of the Edition started in June 2017, took part at their first workshop “SCENARIO – PARADIGMS, LEGAL FRAMEWORK, STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVES” held on the 8th, 9th and 10th of July at the Polo Didattico in Rome. On […]

First HOPE Workshop: “Scenario – Paradigms, legal framework, strategic perspectives” Read More »

#FromtheField: Cristina from PMC Master to the field with Emergency

Cristina Contini, Country Administrator after the Social Change School Master Experiences, memories and feelings of those who, thanks to the Social Change School Master, have changed their own life and the one of the others, working with the NGOs. Cristina tells us about her present experience and memories of her path with the Social Change

#FromtheField: Cristina from PMC Master to the field with Emergency Read More »

‘Get to know us!’: Sophia Crescenzi, Social Media Officer, from Rome to Edinburgh

Sophia has been surrounded by solidarity since she was a child, enriching then her knowledges and experiences in different and important European realities… Now, she is in charge of communicating the ideas and news of the Social Change School, whilst she pursues her life and educational journey, through Europe. Let’s find out who she is,

‘Get to know us!’: Sophia Crescenzi, Social Media Officer, from Rome to Edinburgh Read More »

Three Scholarships left for HOPE – Master in Humanitarian Emergencies!

Three Scholarships left for HOPE – Master in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies Managing Projects, People, Administration & Logistic in the field, ranging from 2000 to 3000 euros, still available for those who have succeeded the admission interview for HOPE Edition June 2017!   Do you dream about working in the field of  Humanitarian Operations with the NGOs? This is your chance!

Three Scholarships left for HOPE – Master in Humanitarian Emergencies! Read More »

Impact HUB Milan

Impact HUB, Milan: Workshop on Skills and Tools for Management Development

The Workshop on Skills and Tools for Management Development which was ended on sunday the 18th of June in Milan,  it involved the Masters FRAME in Fundraising Management; PMC Project Management for International Cooperation and HOPE in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies, with a total of 46 students. “Self-efficacy and assertiveness in the Non Profit are two issues strongly linked to our values and

Impact HUB, Milan: Workshop on Skills and Tools for Management Development Read More »

Development, Migration and NGOs: “Through Migrant Eyes” by Farida Bena

THROUGH MIGRANT EYES, the latest post by Farida Bena, published on her Blog Kiliza, Listening to Southern Citizens.   “Ever since I started working in development I have been struck by how little we talk about its linkages with migration. Most NGOs specialise in either/or. Very few of them have the courage or the capacity to

Development, Migration and NGOs: “Through Migrant Eyes” by Farida Bena Read More »

#FromtheField: Nicoleta Susanu, Euro-Project Manager after the Social Change School’s Master

Experiences, memories and feelings of those who, thanks to the Social Change School’s Master, changed their own life and the one of others, working with the NGOs “What happens next?” This is the question that, often, in a difficult time for the job market, both young and less young people ask themselves, when approaching the

#FromtheField: Nicoleta Susanu, Euro-Project Manager after the Social Change School’s Master Read More »

PMC Master-Workshop Mon&Ev Roma

Master PMC in Rome: Workshop with INTERSOS, CooperAction Onlus and Italian Agency for Development Cooperation

“Project Management Monitoring and Evaluation Techniques & Processes” is the latest Workshop held at the Polo Didattico – Rome, from the 25th to the 28th of May 2017, for the students who started the Master PMC- Project Management for International Cooperation, Euro-Project Management and Local Development in December 2016. The four days have been intense

Master PMC in Rome: Workshop with INTERSOS, CooperAction Onlus and Italian Agency for Development Cooperation Read More »

Workshop Fundraising FRAME - 26-28 maggio

Master FRAME: Workshop on Fundraising Techniques -Teaching others the joy of donating

“Fundraising is the art of teaching others the joy of donating” this famous sentence by Henry Rosso, quoted during the lesson of Community Fundraising led by Veronica Manna, former student and now consultant of the Social Change School, closed the third day of workshop. The weekend of 26th, 27th and 28th of May was very

Master FRAME: Workshop on Fundraising Techniques -Teaching others the joy of donating Read More »

Workshop Working in Emergencies- Madrid

HOPE students in Madrid for the Workshop “Working in Emergencies”

On the 15th and 16th of May, the students of HOPE- Master In Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies Managing Projects, People, Administration & Logistic in the field came to the Social Change School Office in Madrid, for taking part at the Workshop “WORKING IN EMERGENCIES”. The first day of Workshop: “Introduction to Quality & Accountability –

HOPE students in Madrid for the Workshop “Working in Emergencies” Read More »

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