Welcome to the Social Change School
founded in 1997, global ecosystem and the
largest professional cooperation network,
with over 1500 alumni worldwide
- Field Training Period 3-6 months - reimbursed
- All the lecturers from the best NGOs
- Group Project Work
- eLearning platform + Workshop
- Career Development Service 1 year
- Professional Coaching
- Management Development Accelerator

Welcome to the Social Change School
founded in 1997, global ecosystem and the
largest professional cooperation network,
with over 1500 alumni worldwide
- Field Training Period 3-6 months - included and reimboursed
- All the lecturers from the best NGO's
- Group Project Work
- eLearning platform + Workshop
- Career Developement Service 1 year
- Professional Coaching
- Management Develpopment Accelerator
Managing Projects, People, Administration and Logistics in the Field

Hope – The opportunity of the Field Period, in Africa, Middle East, Asia or Latin America, reimbursed by the School, represents the moment of application in the field of knowledge and techniques learned during the course of the Master and a resilience gauge.

HOPE is Leader in Europe,
since 2014 at its 13th Edition.
in the NGOs, in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America

The blended formula, partly based on eLearning platform with monthly workshops during the weekends, allows presence for those who work or in general cannot afford to waste another year in a classroom.

in Africa, Middle East, Asia or L.A.
reimbursed by the School, represents the moment of application in the field
of knowledge and techniques learned
during the course of the Master
and a resilience gauge.

HOPE is Leader in Europe,
since 2014 at its 13th Edition.
in the NGOs, in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The blended formula, partly
based on eLearning platform
with monthly workshops
during the weekends, allows
presence for those who work
or in general cannot afford to
waste another year in a
- Ready for the field? Hope – Social Change School and some big international NGOs gave life to HOPE in 2014 in order to address the lack of a truly international training programmes.
- An amazing professional didactic staff coming from the Humanitarian Sector
- Certifications: Sphere Standards, PMD – Project Management for Development Professionals, HRG-Hardiness Resilience Gouge. Social Change School is among the first institutions in the world to be recognized as HPass Learning Provider.
- Full employment: 90% of employment in the Non Profit by the end of the Master; 50% after 6 months (Official data: August 2016 Follow up). HOPE has the objective to respond to the need of the sector by offering concrete job prospects in the rapidly growing market of humanitarian emergencies.
- Internationality: HOPE is an International Programme, with European (and not only European) lecturers and students, that unites quality, accessibility (affordable cost + scholarships) and flexibility (thanks to the eLearning + workshops formula, that makes it easier to attend).
- Experience, History and Worldwide Network of the School: in a historical moment that sees humanitarian emergency become the new training business, the School provides its experience, contacts, relations, international community and the helpfulness of hundreds of fellows around the world.
- Management Development Accelerator: if you were sitting on a table to negotiate your projects with the rebel force, what would you say and how would you do it? Are you able to pitch with a Company, or present the project to a Foundation? The managerial development feature “secures” you, allowing you to have basic skills in Conflict Management, Negotiation, Stress Management, Assertiveness, Public Speaking, Time and Organization Management.
- Training Period On The Field: 3-6 Months reimbursed by Social Change School in Africa, Asia, or Latin America, at a field office of an organisation of the sector, within the year of Master course. A fantastic opportunity to start your career on the field. About 50% of the students who do the Training Period, continue to work in the host organisation. The amount (until 1500 euros) paid by the School is normally given directly to the NGO partners in charge of organizing and paying for travel, insurance, accommodation.
- Students Helpline when you are on the field, supported by Tanja Berretta and Marco Crescenzi
Fill out the form below to get more information or book your interview!
The main training School for social change professionals. Training centres in Madrid, Rome, Milan.
From 1997, we have trained around 1500 professionals, with 100.000 hours of training each year and a 90% employment rate for our graduates within one year from the end of the Master.
- Supported by: Oxfam, Save the Children, AVSI Foundation, Emergency, Intersos, Soleterre, Medici Senza Frontiere, Fairtrade, PsicoterapeutaSociale.org, Crescenzi&Partners, leader4futures.
- Students: since 2014 approximately 200 HOPE students are now working all over the world. Find them out!
- Certifications: Sphere Standards, PMD-Project Management for Development Professionals, HRG-Hardiness Resilience Gouge.
- 1000 hours, 9 months: Didactic Common Path + 3 months Career Development Service
- eLearning + 11 workshops during weekends in Rome, Madrid, Milan
- TRAINING PERIOD ON THE FIELD: 3-6 Months paid by Social Change School in Africa, Asia, or Latin America, at a field office of an organisation of the sector, at the end of the Master course.
- Group Project Work
- Career Development Service
- Matching – Presenting your profile to NGOs in Europe and outside is so requested.
Director: Riccardo Sansone, Oxfam, Head of External Programmes – Get to know Riccardo
Coordinator: Roberta Spadone, Programme Manager
Coaching Exercise: Tirso Puig de la Bellacasa, Plan International, Save the Children, consultant
Career Development Service: Bruno Clerici
Management Development Accelerator & Supervisor: Marco Crescenzi – Get to know Marco
Head of Didactics: Roberta Tomasi
Get to know our staff and the students! (YouTube video)

HOPE – Finance Officer
The profile is sought by humanitarian International and National NGOs and by the United Nations agencies intervening in natural disaster

HOPE – Humanitarian Project Manager
The profile is sought by humanitarian International and National NGOs and by the United Nations agencies intervening in natural disaster

HOPE – Humanitarian Logistics Manager
The profile is sought by humanitarian International and National NGOs and by the United Nations agencies intervening in natural disaster
Save the Children UK, INTERSOS, Oxfam, UNHCR, Amnesty International UK, UNICEF Italia, AIRC, Telethon, COOPI – International Cooperation, WorldVision, Medici Senza Frontiere Italia, The CHS Alliance, EMEA, British Red Cross, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Save the Children Italia, Save the Children International, Association CooperAction Onlus, Euclid Network, Amref Health Africa Italy, Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD), NGO International Rescue Committee, Médicos del Mundo España, Médecins du Monde, Agriterra, Humentum, Bioforce, IASC, OCHA, Red Cross/Red Crescent movement, Amnesty International Italia, UNDP, Handicap International, Plan International, Ricerca e Cooperazione, ESCOACHING, Save the Children España, MSF Belgium, Cancer Research UK, Sphere Focal Point, Santa Rita da Cascia Foundation onlus, TechSoup’s Italian division, Guardavanti: futuro dei bambini ONLUS, Federal Commission of Mexico on Human Rights, UN Commission on Human Rights, Liberi di credere, Oxfam Italia, VIS, Germany’s Relief Coalition, Young Foundation, Cocoon Projects, Association for Peace, Caritas, Ucodep, CIR (Consiglio Italiano Rifugiati), Assoforr, ISFOL, Fondazione Di Liegro, Opera Sante de Sanctis, Coop. Wipala, Liberi Nantes, Opera Don Guanella, Astirforma, Mission Bambini Foundation, Change.org, GoFundMe, Cure3Children, Cure Thalassemia, Greenpeace Italia, Libera Associazioni, Type B (Social Cooperative), Federsolidarietà Confcooperative, UNDESA, MAE, AGIRE, Action Aid, CDAC, DEC, ECB project, Amnesty International Italia, Italian Foundation for volunteers, Aster-X, Cesvi, GVC, SoS Villaggi dei Bambini, Terre des Hommes, ZaLab association, NATO, VOICE, PRIME Italia, International Commission of Jurist, Italian Red Cross, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RedR-UK, Nesta, EU Commission, ASEAN Centre of Excellence on United Nations Millennium Development Goals (ARCMDG), UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute), UN Coordinator for the fight against Aids in Asia and in the Pacific area, UNODC, FAO, World Food Program (WFP), IFAD, Fodanzione CENSIS, Associazione RUR, European Neighbourhood Working Group at Bond
Some of our main partners that participate in the Master’s realization
Download the Master Programme and ask for an admission and evaluation interview
- The Sphere Handbook (Sphere)
- HPASS Humanitarian Learning Standards
- Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) (Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action)
- Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS)
- Minimum Economic Recovery Standards (SEEP Network)
- Minimum Standards for Education (Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies)
- Minimum Standard for Market Analysis (Cash Learning Partnership/CaLP)
- Humanitarian inclusion standards for older people and people with disabilities (HelpAge International/ADCAP)
With 90% employment rate by the year, Social Change School is a global ecosystem and the largest professional European cooperation network, with over 1500 alumni worldwide.
Do you want to know your professional potential and your career development?
Do you want to understand how to build your future on the strengths and the weaknesses to work on? What will your professional profile be and what markets will it have?
We will do it together through a 360-degrees evaluation with Marco Crescenzi, President of the School (and Psychotherapist), or another professional of the sector and member of the School’s staff.
At the end of the interview you will have articulated and complete feedback with a clear evaluation of your professional potential, and some targeted advice for your next steps.
I believe these interviews are one of the best things about my professional experience. Since 1997, I have interviewed thousands of people, and hundreds of fantastic human beings have been launched professionally. Now, they are professionals and sector managers. The interview is very thorough because it serves to protect the candidate from imprudent choices, but also to guarantee the School and the Organizations on the highest quality of the admitted students (Marco Crescenzi)
Fill out the form below to get more information or book your interview!