
Social Innovation and Social Business

The first italian book on the topics of Social Innovation and Social Business.

Is “Power to People” only a “sexy” slogan or a possible process of control on the public affairs, enterprises, finance, and politics by the citizens that influence and co-project products, services, cities, political guidelines?

Social Innovation  is the answer: producing new ideas that can answer to the social needs in the most effective ways, and at the same time, creating new  social collaborations between Public, enterprises, non profit, finance, schools and universities, citizens and phisical and virtual communities. 

New alleances and new “business” modalities, always more social and sustainable,  are changing on one side, the face of the capitalism and on the other side, the one of the local governement.

Collaborative Innovation, Co-creation, Co-design, Crowdfunding, are some of the possible scenarios that arise thanks to the no profit organisations in order to face the challenges generated by the crisis.

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