Career Development Service Advisor
Tirso was born in Madrid, Spain. Graduated in Educational Sciences at the University of Bologna, he then specialized in Intercultural Pedagogy.
After a first work experience as street educator, he then worked for more than 15 years as Project Manager and Coordinator in the sectors of child protection and education for NGOs like Ricerca e Cooperazione, GVC and Progetto Mondo MLAL, in projects subsidised by the European Union, Unicef and MAAEE, in South America and in particular in Bolivia, developing a vast knowledge of NGOs.
In the final stage of his journey through Bolivia and Latin America, he worked as an consultant of NGOs like CESVI and assisted UNICEF in supporting public institutions, for example working on adapting and updating the National System of Child Protection in Bolivia, and coordinated many multi-country studies for important international NGOs as Plan International.
After spending 15 years outside of Spain, he came back to Madrid in 2015, working as desk officer for Plan International (Compliance and Donor Support) in both projects on cooperation for development and humanitarian help in emergencies, further strengthening his knowledge of management and the structure and regulations of the main donors in the international scene, like ECHO, DEVCO, AECID and WFP.
Before joining Social Change School, he has managed Career Advice Service at IED (European Institute of Design) in Madrid, thus exploring an interesting and high level reality in the for profit sector, something that allowed him to get to know different working styles and approaches, reinforcing his knowledge about Career Development and job placement.
His first professional experiences were in Bologna, in the social education sector, with young migrants in situation of hardship, covering different roles, from social educator to educational projects coordinator, working for public institutions as Comune di Bologna and for social cooperatives, thus broadening his knowledge of the Italian third sector.
Because of his strong vocation for education and social work, he moved to Bolivia, where he started his career in the field of cooperation for development. After a volunteer experience as a street educator in El Alto of La Paz, he embarked on a journey that led him to a constant growth in the field of cooperation, keeping for many years a strong connection with Italian NGOs.
He has always loved contributing to professional debate, something that led him to create many projects of cooperation for development and of educational processes, and to coordinate some participative social researches in the educational and cultural field.
Moreover, during his years on the field, he cultivated a substantial experience in managing human resources, recruitment and career advice processes, particularly in the professional training sector.
He loves going to the cinema, music, talking with friends, playing with his kids and a good pasta dish.
He is also passionate about sports (rugby above all else), he used to play and now loves watching them. He is extremely interested in philosophy, anthropology and history.
One of his favourite activities is to roam around without a destination.