Training Period
Training Period
More than 200 organizations hosting training periods worldwide.
- 50% of students employed in the organizations after their training period.
- 90% of students doing a training period find a job within a year from it.
Some of the latest training period collaborations of Social Change School students

The key to access the Non Profit Sector.
The training period is a milestone in the training process of our students. It is a “well-equipped gym” where students can apply all the competences acquired during the one-year course.
The training period is highly recommended because it is a fundamental step in completing the professional training process of each student, both senior and junior. The main objectives are:
the transfer of competences acquired during the Master Programme, the knowledge of the organization from within and the creation of a network of contacts. The training period is done at the end of the master course so that each students acquires the right competences that can add value to the experience within the organization.

- an individual interview with the person in charge of Internships and Placement in Social Change School. The interview is the right opportunity to assess the person’s competences that will have to be improved and trained during the stage/internship
- the second step involves the research of a training period. The person responsible for all that concerns placement and career service gets in touch with organizations and associations in the sector and takes care of all procedures: from the initial selection of the resource to the activation of the internship.
Students collaborate within the organization for a minimum of 200 hours and a maximum of 6 months, either part-time or full-.time. Social Change School and the organization take a joint agreement on the kind of training path the person will follow during the training period. This includes setting objectives, activities/tasks, the name of the Tutor within the NGO and the Tutor in Social Change School. Depending to the students profile, the training period can be done either in Italy or abroad.
The entire cycle of the training period is taken care of by Social Change School and the person in charge of this specific area.
Some of the major organizations in the sector are main partners of Social Change School even in this phase of a student’s educational and training career.
“I was lucky enough to carry out my training period at the CISV Ngo; in an early stage I was in their Italian unit but I was soon sent to Burundi. In Africa all the skills and competences acquired in the Master became extremely useful when I had to manage projects.” (Erica Masiero, Master in Project Management- Edition 2004-2005).