
Social Communication

Il Fatto Quotidiano Blog – M. Crescenzi: Save the children versus kill the children, where do you stand?

“We didn’t need kids going to the hospital, they can die”.  This is how, one of the people under investigation – for the inquest concerning the illicit traffic of waste carried out by the Anti-mafia Investigation District Office of Florence – talks about the risks of storing waste illegally in a landfill situated close to a school. […]

Il Fatto Quotidiano Blog – M. Crescenzi: Save the children versus kill the children, where do you stand? Read More »

Standing ovation for Sandro Calvani’s final speech of the Masters Programme

Thanks to his long-standing experience, that led him to work in 135 different countries both as Coordinator of international AID of the Italian Caritas and also former Director of UNICRI and for other organisations of the United Nations, Sandro Calvani is surely one of the most expert professional to introduce and guide our students into this new challenging

Standing ovation for Sandro Calvani’s final speech of the Masters Programme Read More »


A new humanism paradigm: a real hope of universal equity of rights

Sandro Calvani | 3 March 2016 How people power is restoring smart global/local governance in a politically disconnected world. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these

A new humanism paradigm: a real hope of universal equity of rights Read More »

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