SCS – Docente

SCS Docente

SCS - Docente - Pasquale Gentile

Pasquale Gentile

Pasquale Gentile Fundrasing Pasquale Gentile nasce a Taranto nel 1982 e cresce nell’associazione Taranto Viva, quando a parlare dei danni dell’Ilva erano in pochi. Appassionato di web si trasferisce a Milano per studiare, ma entra subito nel mondo del lavoro e fa esperienza come webmaster in varie aziende. Si sposta a Madrid dove crea un collettivo […]

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SCS - Docente - Sepideh Shirazi

Sepideh Shirazi

Sepideh Shirazi Human Resources Sepideh was born in 1972 in Teheran (Iran), but she spent most of her life in Italy. She has a degree in Psychology of Organizations and she has been a freelance trainer for the past ten years. For the past twenty years, she has been studying and working across Europe, the

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SCS - Docente - Luigi Zampi

Luigi Zampi

Luigi Zampi evelopment of Personal and Management Skills Luis has worked at since 2012 covering many different roles: from managing communication and press relations to campaigning/advocacy and fundraising. He is now the Director of España. He loves building engaging stories to mobilize people and fight injustice and also has experience in political and

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SCS - Docente - Luis Aguado

Luis Aguado

Luis Aguado Campaigning and Lobbying, FRM Marketing and Communication Luis has worked at since 2012 covering many different roles: from managing communication and press relations to campaigning/advocacy and fundraising. He is now the Director of España. He loves building engaging stories to mobilize people and fight injustice and also has experience in political

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SCS - Docente - Sergio Vecchiarelli

Sergio Vecchiarelli

Sergio Vecchiarelli Budgeting and Accounting, PMC Sergio graduated in Business and Economics, but has always been fond of international cooperation. He designed an operational platform on the study of similarities and differences between profit and nonprofit organizations. He has always been convinced of the necessity of a collaboration between the two sectors, which in his opinion have

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SCS - Docente - Christopher Develin

Christopher Develin

Christopher Develin Emergency Christopher Devlin is the Development and Donor Relations Director at the International Commission of Jurists based in Geneva. He previously worked for Handicap International at Headquarters and on the extensively on the field with a number of NGOs, amongst them World Vision and Terre des Hommes – Italy. He has a degree in European Studies from the University of London. His professional career has been mostly on

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SCS - Docente - Cristiano Gavarini

Cristiano Gavarini

Budgeting and Accounting With a master’s degree in International Relations and an MBA from the University of Turin, after working three years in the field of business internationalization (with experiences in Russia and Brasil), in 2009 he decided to accept a position in Sudan as Finance Manager for the NGO VIS: the experience on the field was

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Pia Cantini

Pia Cantini Emergency – Hope Pia Cantini è Humanitarian Aid e Capacity Development Expert con un’esperienza di oltre 14 anni nell’assistenza umanitaria e nel capacity development. Ha lavorato come technical advisor in situazioni di emergenza in Paesi come Kosovo, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Angola, Etiopia, Sri Lanka, Haiti, Georgia, per menzionarne alcuni. Dal 2013 è formatrice presso Sphere e membro

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Riccardo Sansone

Emergency – Hope Get to know Riccardo on our YouTube channel Coming from an Engineering background, he is currently the Head of External Programs at Oxfam Italia, the Italian member of the Oxfam International Confederation, and he is member of the Global Humanitarian Team of Oxfam International.  He has more than 20 years of experience dedicated to coordinating and supervising complex development cooperation and humanitarian aid programmes mainly in protracted crises contexts  with experience in:  project cycle management, budgeting and reportingresources managementstaff managementbuilding trustful relations with Country Teams, donors, national and local institutions as well as with civil society organisationsexternal representation, communication and negotiation skillsanalysis, planning and strategic orientationproblem solving and solutions orientedsensitivity to socio-cultural and gender diversitiesmain Development/Humanitarian sectors and donorspolicy and advocacy.  Over the years he has been directly involved in major humanitarian crises in Middle East and Horn of Africa with Oxfam. Get to know Riccardo on our YouTube channel

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SCS - Docente - Roger Bergonzoli

Roger Bergonzoli

Roger Bergonzoli Fundraisnig – FRM “Every fundraising choice has to have the goal of creating an added value to the relationship with the donor”: this is his approach and belief, developed during more than 10 years of experience in individual fundraising. Roger is General Director of the Santa Rita da Cascia Foundation onlus, in which

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