Extrema Ratio

SCS - Profiessional profile - Corporate Fundraiser

Corporate Fundraiser

Corporate fundraising means working with companies through fundraising, sponsorship and partnerships with them. Collaborating with companies means gift in kind, direct support, support with their employees involved in voluntary activities or support for a specific project. Charity fundraising, especially corporate fundraising, has changed dramatically in line with new technology and social media. The methods for engaging

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SCS - Staff -Sandro Calvani

Sandro Calvani

Sandro Calvani Strategic Advisor Master in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies Director Emeritus at the ASEAN Centre of Excellence on United Nations Millennium Development Goals (ARCMDG) Former Director of UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute) and other organizations of the United Nations in various countries in four continents, UN Coordinator for the fight against Aids in

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