Extrema Ratio

The rich will save us all – philanthrocapitalism

Bernard Ross | 4th July 2013 Bernard Ross with help from Angela Cluff and Paula Guillet of = mc   A powerful movement to encourage major donor giving has been labeled philanthrocapitalism. The name comes from an influential book of the same title published in 2008 and an associated website. Two journalists working for the Economist magazine, Matthew Bishop and

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Non violent struggle, the shuttering power of inaction, together!

Laura Taraborrelli | 25th June 2013   From 25th until 27th of April the XXVIII general assembly of Amnesty International Italy – the Italian branch of the NGO fighting for human rights to be respected all over the world – took place in Rome. During the convention, international guests were invited to give a personal and

Non violent struggle, the shuttering power of inaction, together! Read More »

Rant of the week °3, the personality cause and the quick wins of fundrasing

Isabel White | 4th  July 2013   I asked a fellow fundraiser recently what was his pet hate in the voluntary sector. By coincidence it was something I was also thinking about. He said “my pet hate is people or organizations who think that just because they are “doing good” that they deserve loads of

Rant of the week °3, the personality cause and the quick wins of fundrasing Read More »

Strengthening revenue collection to help finance economic growth and poverty reduction

Alain Vidal | 10th February  2015 The sheer scale and urgency of our world’s food security mega-challenges require action from many partners. Further, reliable food systems, including value chains, markets, infrastructure and consumption, are critical for human health, nutrition, wellbeing and equity. Producing sufficient and quality food for 9 billion people by 2050 is in

Strengthening revenue collection to help finance economic growth and poverty reduction Read More »

Social Business according to Nobel Prize winner Yunus

Accountability in action – the people management perspective

Emmanuelle Lacroix | 07th July 2015 Following the launch of the CHS Alliance in Nairobi, I took part in a field visit, organised by our colleagues at ActionAid Kenya, to see accountability in action and hear feedback from community members, the main stakeholders of the quality and accountability agenda. The trip gave me a very timely and

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Associazione Raggio di Sole

L’Associazione Raggio di Sole opera affinché la riabilitazione offerta si componga concretamente con la vita quotidiana della persona con disabilità, con la sua indole personale i suoi bisogni formativi e culturali, le sue relazioni umane, il possibile lavoro e con le sue attese del futuro. Le finalità fondamentali sono quelle di favorire l’adattamento sociale, l’autonomia e

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