
Extrema Ratio

#FromTheField: Cinzia Coordinator of the Project Management Master takes us to her Tanzania

Haraka haraka haina baraka. In Swahili, it means that there is no blessing in doing things in a rush; more or less it is like our saying “Slow and steady wins the race”. I have learned that in Africa, more precisely, in the village of Ikondo, in the South of Tanzania. Before landing in that

#FromTheField: Cinzia Coordinator of the Project Management Master takes us to her Tanzania Read More »

#FromtheField: Ida and Sociallending, her innovative start-up

Ida Meglio, after concluding the Master programme of ASVI Social Change, tells us about her story from the field, the field of innovation with social vocation.  A story about success, great satisfactions, awards and beautiful projects for the near future. “This is my story, not everyone knows it: Sociallending is an intuition that I had

#FromtheField: Ida and Sociallending, her innovative start-up Read More »


Workshop: “London Best Practices” – 6th, 7th and 8th July 2016-London

London- From the 6th until the 8th of July 2016, the students from the Masters PMC – Project Management for International Cooperation, Euro-Project Management and Local Development and FRAME-Fundraising Management, Communication, Marketing, Social Media and Social Campaigns took part to the Workshop “London Best Practices”; discovering innovative tools and exclusive case studies that allowed them to experience

Workshop: “London Best Practices” – 6th, 7th and 8th July 2016-London Read More »

Peace Fellows_Duke UNC Rotary Center_Class XI

Investing in Peace Education against fear and violence illiteracy

Silvia Fontana| 28th June 2016 The recent UK referendum on EU gives us a good starting point to the discussion on the importance of re-building a culture of peace in our communities through education. Mere propaganda, poor analysis of the phenomena and/or institutions of our days, in primis (for the UK debate) the refugees challenges

Investing in Peace Education against fear and violence illiteracy Read More »


It is now time to take action!

On 9th and 10th June the final days of the three following Masters (June 2015 Edition) took place: PMC- Master in Project Management for International Cooperation, Euro-Project Management and Local Development, FRAME- Master in Fundraising Management, Communication, Marketing, Social Media and Social Campaigns MES- Master In Social Innovation, Social Business, Social Start up and Innovative Projecting. During the first

It is now time to take action! Read More »

Blog4Change: People at the centre of humanitarian aid. Mission possible?

Farida Bena | 31 May 2016 The first-ever World Humanitarian Summit is over, with mixed results. For those, including me, who were hoping the discussion would tackle some of the root causes of humanitarian crises, like the lack of political solutions to fundamentally political problems, the conference was a missed opportunity. Germany’s Angela Merkel was the

Blog4Change: People at the centre of humanitarian aid. Mission possible? Read More »

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