Extrema Ratio

SCS - Docente - Tommaso Urbani

Tommaso Urbani

Tommaso Urbani Emergency – Hope With a Bachelor’s Degree in Intercultural Linguistic Mediation and a Master’s Degree in Conference Interpreting, Tommaso Urbani participated in the first edition of Social Change School’s Master HOPE – Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies. Since 2015, he has been working in the field of Humanitarian Logistics, joining the teams of INTERSOS […]

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SCS - Docente - Ana Urgoiti

Ana Urgoiti

Ana Urgoiti Emergency – Regulation and Legal Framework – Hope Ana is an International Public Law postgraduate with a complement in development, humanitarian and gender studies. Through the positions she has occupied, she has specialized in gender issues, organizational development, training of trainers and training for aid workers and project cycle management (analysing, planning and

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SCS - Docente - Silvia Capotorto

Silvia Capotorto

Silvia Capotorto FRM – Fundraising Silvia Capotorto has a Bachelor Degree in Law and has studied in Spain and the UK for an International Master in Marketing and Communications. With a background in corporate communications, Silvia has been working for several consultancy firms and clients from a variety of industry sectors. She has led the

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SCS - Docenti - Clara Avila

Clara Avila

Clara Avia FRM – Marketing and Communication Clara is a Telecommunications Engineer with an MBA and Master of Design of Digital Products. She has been working as Content Strategist in Save the Children Spain since 2015. Before that she has worked as a digital consultant for 4 years with brands such as Heineken, Kellogg’s… She

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SCS - Docenti - Simona Biancu

Simona Biancu

Simona Biancu FRM – Fundraisnig Simona is the founder and CEO of ENGAGEDin s.r.l. , an international strategic consulting company on fundraising and philanthropy based in Alessandria (Italy), where she deals with consulting and training, particularly regarding strategic consulting on the development of fundraising, major donors, corporate and legacy fundraising, Board development, strategic philanthropy. Graduated

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SCS - Docenti - Davide Berruti

Davide Berruti

Davide Berruti Emergency – Hope Davide Berruti (Cagliari, 1969) has a degree in Arabic Language and Literature. From 1999 to 2005, he has worked as national coordinator of Association for Peace. From 2006 to 2011 he has been a freelancer and professor in many Masters for peace operators and as consultant for processes of reconciliation in

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SCS - Docente - Leonardo Maria Palma

Leonardo Maria Palma

Leonardo Maria Palma Emergency – Hope – Project Management Leonardo Maria Palma (Sanremo, Italy, 1978) has a degree in architecture (University of Venezia – IUAV) and a specific humanitarian post university II Level Master in “Urban and territorial planning for developing countries” at IUAV. Since 2004, he has been working in non-profit humanitarian organizations as

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SCS - Docente - Silvia Ferretti

Silvia Ferretti

Silvia Ferretti Emergency Silva Ferretti is a freelance consultant with extensive international experience in both development and humanitarian work. She has been working with diverse organizations, committees, networks and consortia (e.g. Agire, ActionAid, CDAC, DEC, ECB project, Handicap International, HAP, Plan International, Save the Children, SPHERE, Unicef, WorldVision amongst many others). Her work is mainly focused on looking at the quality of programs and

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SCS - Docente - Beatriz Gonzales de Suso

Beatriz Gonzales de Suso

Beatriz Gonzales de Suso Emergency – Hope Beatriz Gonzalez de Suso was born in Burgos, Spain. She is an Agronomist with an extensive experience in international contexts. For 14 years she has been working in different countries such as Armenia, Angola, Peru, Ethiopia, Somalia, Liberia, Soudan, Palestine, and Bosnia. Since 2012 she lives permanently in

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SCS - Docente - Susana Fernandez Casia

Susana F. Casla

Susana F. Casla Development of Personal and Management Skills Susana Casla was born in 1977 in Madrid (Spain), but she travelled all around the world! She is an awarded international Psychologist and Executive coach specialized in the field of talent and innovation solutions with more than 20 years’ experience.   Throughout her career, she successfully oversaw programmes in very different contexts

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