
Social Change Podcast

This podcast is a small adventure started with different managers of the sector and different actors of social change. We wanted it to be about three main issues that we need to work on with the goal of exchanging ideas within and outside the group of people already working in it, with a competent and interested public.

– Culture of the third sector, the right one we need to create a huge impact; because not having a strong culture is like not having a piece of land where to plant your seeds and tree.

– Professionality, and the idea of talent are also strictly connected, because the professional growth of the workers should be supported not only for technical competences but also for soft and good skills, needed to be a good project manager or fundraiser, this issue still needs to be addressed because there is still a lot of room for improvement.

– Social impact: the centre of the work of all the organizations, both big and small, with or without fundraising, international or just local, we all want to create a positive impact and external positivity. 

To sum up, the idea behind the podcast is to talk about the sector, exchange ideas and opinions involving actors of social change in order to make the culture of social change stronger and with wider borders, and improve professionality of managers and workers to have a bigger impact.

The interviews are done by the two founders of EduwayAndrea Dasti, former student of the school and Stefano Lepre, that with their questions and the post-production of each episode made the project possible. 

The guest of the podcast have been: 
 Marco Crescenzi (President of the Social Change School)  that talked about the challenges the third sector is facing now: Click here to access the english traduction.
– Diego Battistessa (member of the Advisory Board of the Social Change School), that gave us a glimpse of what it means to work in international cooperation: Click here to access the english traduction.
– Daniela Fatarella (CEO of Save the Children Italia) that explained how for the sector, and more sepc
Click here to access the english traduction.
– Alessandra Prampolin (WWF Italia), talked about how important is to talk about environment and sustainability in the sector Click here to access the english traduction.
– GianPaolo Montini (Peter Pan Onlus), that telle us its story of how he reconverted his skills and moved from the for profit to the no-profit sector, Click here to access the english traduction.
– Federico Marcon (Global Evergreening Alliance), that gives us an international perspective with is international experiences. Click here to access the episode in english on spotify
– Federca De Benedittis (member of the Strategic Board of the Social Change School and Head of the Career Service) explained the relevance of the soft skills in every field.  Click here to access the english traduction.



We invite you to listen to it and let us know what you think!


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