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The books of the Social Change School

Volumes on Fundraising, Euro-planning, Cooperation and Development and Social Innovation

The Social Change School has published different books for the Non Profit sector, among which the first volume in Europe on the Non Profit Manager (by M. CRESCENZI, Mondadori 1998), the volume Campaigns for the Non Profit Organisations (by D. CAVAZZA, EMI 2006), first italian manual dedicated to the campaigning, SOCIAL INNOVATION AND SOCIAL BUSINESS, curated by M.Crescenzi, 2012, first book on the topic produced in Italy.

Up! di MarcoCescenzi

UP! You only have one life

Overcoming crises and rebuilding a better version of yourself.

Realizing you are a “victim” of life ( your own or other people’s) and finding yourself in the dumps without even realizing it can happen abruptly, if you don’t have awareness and strategy.

“UP! You only have one life” provides many affectionate and grounded indications on “what to do” when we fall to the ground, and how to start again once we are back “UP”, bringing with us the people we care about. Rejecting the paradigm of individualistic self-help, “UP!” also focuses on well-being in a dimension of community, on “being with others and for others”.

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I would like to be an aid worker

“I would like to be an aid worker” is the first agile and updated guide for those who wish to enter the world of international cooperation. All the information you need to choose the most effective training, to find your way around NGOs and activism, to fully understand the concrete prospects of a fascinating profession with plenty of real opportunities for growth.

Find out more about the author, Diego Battistessa, adviser and part of Social Change School’s didactic staff.

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Project Management in Difficult Contexts

Designed with the aim of improving the capacity to effectively interact with development projects, mainly in the identification, formulation and monitoring phase, the Result-based Management Manual by Andrea Stroppiana is provided to PMC – Project Management for International Cooperation students to ensure they have an adequate knowledge when dealing with the preparation and management of projects.

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Social Innovation and Social Business

The first italian book on the topics of Social Innovation and Social Business.

Is “Power to People” only a “sexy” slogan or a possible process of control on the public affairs, enterprises, finance, and politics by the citizens that influence and co-project products, services, cities, political guidelines?

Social Innovation is the answer: producing new ideas that can answer to the social needs in the most effective ways, and at the same time, creating new social collaborations between Public, enterprises, non profit, finance, schools and universities, citizens and phisical and virtual communities.

New alleances and new “business” modalities, always more social and sustainable, are changing on one side, the face of the capitalism and on the other side, the one of the local governement.

Collaborative Innovation, Co-creation, Co-design, Crowdfunding, are some of the possible scenarios that arise thanks to the no profit organisations in order to face the challenges generated by the crisis.

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Campaigns for the Non Profit Organisations

Published in 2006, this was the first italian manual for the campaigners, planned by ASVI Social Change, edited by Davide Cavazza – at the time Campaign Coordinator of the Italian Committee for UNICEF and published by the EMI, it wants to offer a theoretical and practical tool that can be used on a daily basis by who approaches for the first time to the world of campaigns for the Non Profit Organisations, but also to the operators who require an innovative approach in the project management and to the professional, of small and big organisations, who want to measure with colleagues from different areas.

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International Guide for Professions and Work in the Non Profit sector

This volume (by M. Crescenzi and E. Bonacini, EMI 2005), provides a useful reference to the wide public of young graduates, Non profit and For profit operators “looking for a meaning”, who aspire to work and professionally grow in the Non Profit; for the media, the university world and the educational entities, trade unions, the Church, in the effort of assimilation of new forms.

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Non Profit Manager and Management. The ethical challenge.

This volume was published in 2003,directly edited by ASVI Social Change with a first print run of 2100 copies, sold out in one year and a half, and adopted by all the main Italian NPOs. A significant contribution to the maturation in the NPOs and their managers of a clear vision of their own potential, for the purposes of the social improvement and best practices in the different operative areas.

“This book represents the major effort done in Italy to summarize the work agenda and the Non Profit Challenges…the text represents a sort of ‘manifesto’ of a non profit that is a protagonist, actor on its own, potentially relevant towards an enlarged social responsibility…so, if you like, the non profit that wants to become an adult.”

(Il Corriere della Sera, 11th april 2003).

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Guide for Project Management and European Funding

The book was born in 1999 from the analysis of the access barriers to the European Project Management and it provides the right paths for info and progremmes research, for the project management technics and for the partnerships organisation. Out of Stock.

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The Non Profit Manager

Published in 1998, by Mondadori – Sperling & Kupfer, it was the first volume in Italy, to have the figure of the Non Profit Manager as an object, highlighting the profile and the criticalities. Out of stock.

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