Leaders4Future by Crescenzi & Partners

Third Sector Management and Innovation

The mission of Leaders4Future  is to maximize the individual and collective impact of General Directors in the Third Sector and their organizations, fostering a more innovative sector culture that not only navigates the present but also shapes the future.

This is the most profound systemic initiative for the development of managers and their organizations ever undertaken in Europe. It has no representational objectives but rather serves as a strategic support for representative bodies such as the Third Sector Forum, AOI, and others.

We act in two ways:

  1. By supporting the network of leading Third Sector DGs who are members in Leaders4Future, benefiting from connection, support and strategic services, monthly meetings and retreats. Together we organise the Annual Conference of Third Sector DGs.
  2. With high level services of Managerial Development, Strategic, Organisational Wellness, Change Management, HR, Artificial Intelligence:
    • Managerial Development projects (such as for Legambiente, WWF, Oxfam, Lav and others);
    • Individual and group ‘Smart Coaching’ for DGs and middle management;
    • Organisational Wellbeing projects (such as for Unicef and others);
    • Organisational Development Projects (such as for Legambiente, Associazione Pianoterra, Terres des Hommes, ASSIFERO and others);
    • Artificial Intelligence Development (as for the Focsiv network and all major NGOs);
    • External support to HR offices of small and medium-sized organisations.

Innovative methodologies combined with thirty years of in-depth, insightful knowledge of the sector’s culture and underlying dynamics ensure high-quality results, also fostering greater organizational stability and well-being.

All initiatives are supervised by Marco Crescenzi.

Are you member of Leaders4Future?

Here are the Leaders4Future’s network members so far: Alessandra Prampolini (WWF), Daniela Fatarella (Save the Children), Rossella Miccio (Emergency), Ilean Bello (Amnesty), Cristina Cornelli (Soleterre), Francesca Pieraccini (COSPE), Martina Pignatti Morano (Un Ponte Per), Francesca Ottolenghi (Legacoop-Halieus), Giorgio Zampetti (Legambiente), Roberto Barbieri e Francesco Petrelli (OXFAM), Paolo Rozera (Unicef), Stefano Di Carlo (MSF), Roberto Bennati (LAV), Francesco Farnesi (ENGIM), Paolo Ferrara (Terre des Hommes), Simone Garroni (Azione contro la Fame), Guglielmo Micucci (AMREF), Paolo Pastore (FAIRTRADE), Giacomo Pinaffo (Fondazione Comunità di Messina), Stefano Piziali (CESVI), Marco Crescenzi (Fondatore e Coordinatore – Social Change School e Crescenzi & Partners).

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