
PMC – Local Development Agent – Community Manager

SCS - Profiessional profile - Project-Programme Manager for Development

The profile is particularly sought by NGOs for programs in Italy, Associations, Consortium, Cooperatives, and Public Administration both at a local and international level.

The field of operation and the objectives of the role.
The professional range of opportunities is very wide.

  • He/she has to promote, make effective and exploit opportunities of growth and development of local communities and he/she must guarantee efficiency and effectiveness in terms of quality and innovative services, in production, infrastructure and in communication systems. He works both as a member of his organization and as a free-lance showing an ability to suggest new ways of intervention and to bring together all the players on the territory for a common purpose. He is active in the fields of sharing economy and community building as well.
  • He/she manages the main facilitation techniques, participatory management, co-design, design-thinking- Art of Hosting.
  • He/she knows how to present projects and collect funds through bank foundations, corporate and grant making rooted on the territory.
  • He/she knows the programs aimed at the local development, particularly EU structural funds, and other social, cultural, social cooperation programs and the main national and international institutions. He/she is in charge of presenting the project to the donor agencies paying great attention to the formal aspects (documents and conformity) and to the content (innovativeness, expected impact, budget and coherent work package). He is the one who gives the guidelines of the project to the group.
  • He/she decides the budget of the project and does the economic and financial reporting of the project.
  • He/she coordinates, manages and assesses projects.
  • He/she supports the capacity building of local partners and the staff.
  • He/she organizes Advocacy activities in order to increase the project’s impact and sets connections between development projects and processes through ex-post evaluations.
  • He/she manages the “Project Financing” and break-even point; he knows how to find private and public funds both a national and international level.
  • He/she manages the Business Model (Business Model Canvas) and the economic and financial Business Plan.
  • He/she knows how to apply crowdfunding techniques to develop projects and events.
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