Workshop on “THIRD SECTOR SCENARIO AND TRENDS” – Paradigms and vehicles for social change

Cinzia D’Intino | Head of the Didactics

On Saturday, the 28th of January the cycle of workshops on THIRD SECTOR SCENARIO AND TRENDS for the Masters in PMC – Project Management for International Cooperation, Euro-Project Management and Local Development and FRAME – Fundraising Management in the NGOs Business Administration, Marketing, Communication, Social Media Campaigns, was held in Rome and it was led by Marco Crescenzi, President of the Social Change School.

The students of the new edition of the two Masters had the opportunity to study issues related to the history and Legal Framework of the Third Sector through the workshop “VEHICLES FOR SOCIAL CHANGE: THE NONPROFIT SECTOR, HISTORY, REGULATION, ORGANIZATION“. Moreover, they discussed about the paradigms and strategies that outline the current scenario for the Non-profit world with the workshop “HOW TO CHANGE THE WORLD? PARADIGMS, STRATEGIES, SOCIAL ACTIONS … SOCIAL CHANGE!”.

After an overview on the history and scenarios of the Third Sector in Europe, of which different frameworks have been analysed, the students and teachers had a rich debate on the right and most suitable ‘vehicles’ useful for producing social impacts through precise activities with a social purpose.

They then reflected on what steps are to be taken for the achieving of a real and concrete social change, focusing on international trends for Non-profit Organizations, without forgetting the trends that also affect the major grant makers of the assets of such organizations.

The objective achieved in this series of workshops was to communicate to the students, the ability to outline a precise basic strategy that the Third Sector and the organizations that are part of it, adopt for the planning of their activities and actions.

It was a great starting point for this new edition of the PMC and FRAME Masters, a fundamental base in order to begin to delve into this area with awareness, ready to be able to devote time to the acquisition of technical tools and more specific knowledge.

An additional way to know each other better, with the staff of Social Change School and with the other students, who will be the companions of this intense journey.

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