
Beatriz Gonzales de Suso

Beatriz Gonzales de Suso

Emergency - Hope

Beatriz Gonzalez de Suso was born in Burgos, Spain.

She is an Agronomist with an extensive experience in international contexts. For 14 years she has been working in different countries such as Armenia, Angola, Peru, Ethiopia, Somalia, Liberia, Soudan, Palestine, and Bosnia.

Since 2012 she lives permanently in Spain. In the field, she worked in Action Against Hunger and International Committee of the Red Cross and for 7 years she has been the representative of ECHO in Palestine, Soudan, and The Balkans. In Spain, she was Program Director of Plan International and Deputy Director of Action Aid.

Her career was mainly focused in Humanitarian Operations in particular in Food Security, Cash and Protection. She also has experience in Rural Development, Environment and Climate Change interventions.

She loves reading, fishing, gardening, birdwatching and teaching. She is a good communicator, with a strong sense of humor.

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