
Graduation Ceremony: now it’s your time to be the change!

The 21st and 22nd of April 2018 our 38 fellows from the Master Edition of June 2017 attended the final didactic meeting in Rome and received their well-deserved diploma.

Graduation Ceremony: now it's your time to be the change!The students’ final exam consisted in a group project work that was presented by the fellows and evaluated by the Committee, presided by Social Change School’s President Marco Crescenzi and composed by:
Farida Bena, Director of the Master in Project Management for International Cooperation, Director of Humanitarian Policy and Advocacy at International Rescue Committee;
Filippo Ungaro, Director of the Master in Fundraising Management in the NGOs, Director of Communications, Campaigning and Volunteers at Save the Children Italia;
Tirso Puig de la Bellacasa, Head of Career Development Service at Social Change School.

Tirso Puig’s comment, representing the whole commission, was that: “Project works surprised the Committee for the importance of the identified problems, the relevance of the proposals and the quality of presentations. The originality demonstrated in addressing some of the most topical problems of  contemporary society proved the professionalism of the work done and the value of our students“. 

During the second day, fellows were awarded their diplomas and were able to share some of their impressions and feelings about the year of Master. Here are some of their words and thoughts:

“It was a great experience, I learned a lot and met a lot of people who have become a supportive family” – Nicole A.

“It was challenging, and it gave – and it is giving me – a lot. I met awesome people, both professionals and colleagues, and I would do it again” – Carmen F.

“I am very excited that I have taken this step to make a change in my life, and hopefully I will be able to use what I have learnt to make a social change in the world” – Luca C.Graduation Ceremony: now it's your time to be the change!

Starting a Master with Social Change School is an important choice, that can turn around both your own life and the one of the people you will meet. It is a choice taken to pursue dreams and vision of a better world, by taking up challenges, hours of studying and tough exams, by challenging yourself and facing yourself and the others.
The experience was intense for both students and Social Change School’s staff alike: witnessing the growth and change in the fellows’ lives always leaves the School itself enriched and pleased. Here are the words of Cinzia D’Intino, Head of Didactics, who has followed the students’ path closely throughout the whole year:

“Completing this path with the presentation of the students’ project works was a great satisfaction. I wish them all to preserve their passion for this job and I thank them for the mutual personal and professional growth”.

The Evaluation Committee decided to leave the students with some parting words too, and Farida Bena took the floor to give her own point of view:

“I think the biggest advice from working in the sector for longer than two decades now, is that right now it is really important what you know and, as some of you might rightly say, also who you know. That’s going to be important in the first few years. But as you Graduation Ceremony: now it's your time to be the change!accumulate experience, who you are becomes more and more and more important: your humanity, your values, your vision of the world. And I can tell you social change comes when your personality meets your experience and you are able to bring something unique”.


Now that the Didactic part is over, we are looking forward to seeing our students put into practice all the things they have learnt during the course and succeed in the world of Nonprofit. Good luck!


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