
Human Resources Management in the NGOs. Let’s take stock together

On Friday 25th of November, at the Polo Didattico in Rome, Piazza Oderico da Pordenone 3, starting at 2pm, the Social Change School, will hold the Conference #Working4HRM. The HRM in the Italian NGOs: an open and informal debate among the main professionals of the sector.

A long awaited occasion to exchange ideas with the Human Resources Managers of the main Italian NGOs on issues such as work and professional profiles required in the non-profit, both today and in the future. The planning of the event, was supported by the Career Service of the School that provided the contacts and the ‘burning issues’.

The speakers that will take part are the HRM from Amnesty International, COOPI, Red Cross, LAV, Oxfam Italia, Peter Pan, Save the Children Italia, and mostly all of the main HRM of the sector will be present, too.

The event is strictly reserved to the students, to the HRM of the NGOs, to the members of the ‘Social Change Community’ and to the Lecturers of the School willing to take part in it.

The idea, was born from the editorial project on Blog4Change, #Working4HRM, in the scope of an analysis that brought to the publication of the research ‘The Job Posting in the Italian NGOs’, carried out in May 2016, and to the post-diploma Employment Follow Ups- both realised with the support of the School’s Career Service.

Elena Quaglia Faccio, from the Communication Office and #Working4HRM project curator explains, “We started with a process of a participative reflection with the main operators in the sector, not just Italian, developed on Blog4Change. Starting from the emerged and shared needs, we will debate on the practices in use, the main difficulties and new trends aiming to improve the impact of the role of the Human Resources Managers.”

Dora Lisa Mercurio, Career Service Officer, “it is fundamental, that the School does co-projecting every day, with the colleagues, on profiles and competences needed by the NGOs at an international level. This moment formalises debates and analysis that we have been carrying out day by day for years, with the organisations

“The objective- says Marco Crescenzi, President of ASVI Social Change – is to promote the comparison within the Human Resources Managers of Italian and international NGOs, on some key actual and future themes, for the development of the quality of work within the NGOs. It is a great occasion of debate between colleagues, that in many cases, didn’t have the chance yet to meet each other.”

“Moreover, we will keep an eye on innovation, by presenting some interesting platforms – promises Federico Atzori, also Coordinator of the Technological Innovation Sector of the School- regarding the recruitment and resourcing sectors, the Performance Management, and retributions management. Today, Apps and Platforms based on algorithms with an excellent approximation, open up new perspectives and new problems”

Amongst the shared themes:

  1. External recruitment- internal resourcing– difficulty of finding researched figures/matching;
  2. Emerging professional profiles and the ones most requested in the future. The sets of competences- transversal ones as well- and their training;
  3. Staff performance evaluation;
  4. Change management in the organisations, successful experiences and problematics

We will focus on the practices in use in the different organisations related to the key themes of the conference, on the main challenges of the future, also on the interpretation of the role of HRM, and finally, we will focus on better definining the role of the School in support of the HRM of the sector.

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