
An interview can turn your life around

Find out the importance, the value of the admission interview to one of the Master Programmes of the Social Change School.

Discover how to book your personal appointment with one of our advisers.

You will have the unique opportunity to take an interview with one of the most important professionals working in some of the most important NGOs and together you will discuss about the strengths and areas of improvement of your CV.

You will be given 45 minutes to discover your real work opportunities in the sector based on your current competences.

Our advisers have been working in the sector for over ten years:

Lodovico Mariani, Human Resources and Training Expert at INTERSOS and Director of the Master in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies;  Farida Bena, founded and managed the Campaigns Office of Oxfam International in Italy and contributed to the establishment of Oxfam Italia; Alessio Di Carlo, Co-Director of the Master Project Management for International Cooperation, Founder and Vice President of the Association CooperAction Onlus.

An interview that has turned the professional and personal lives of about 1000 people in the past 20  years.

Do you really want to make a difference?

Download the master programme and book your interview

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