
Taking the field with Master HOPE: the first Field Simulation at the UNHRD base in Brindisi

From 5 to 9 October 2015 students of the first edition of HOPE- Master In Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies Managing Projects, People, Administration & Logistic in the field’s  experienced a field simulation at the UNHRD base in Brindisi.

UNHRD is a United Nations Human Assistance Network with bases throughout the world. In Brindisi there are structures for humanitarian training in terms of “real life” simulation as well as the United Nations Logistics Base, supporting peacekeeping operations.

The first two days of the “Working in emergency” Workshop focused on classroom lessons held by Emmanuelle Lacroix, People Capacity & Development Manager at CHS Alliance (http://chsalliance.org). Over the following three days, students really played the simulation; they experienced the situation of arriving in a Country affected by humanitarian emergency and beginning to operate there, they also met donors and started activities on field. The eight students were led by four trainers: Lodovico Mariani- Intersos Operational Support and Training Coordinator in Italy and Master HOPE Co-Coordinator; Antonello Meloni– Intersos Desk Africa Assistant; Erica Berardi– Intersos Administration Officer and Dora Lisa Mercurio– Head of Career Coaching, Internship and Didactics in ASVI Social Change.

Students were given a Case Study so that they could act and work in group within a context of emergency. They were divided into two groups: two NGOs with a mission and an organogram each.

For everyone this represented an opportunity for dealing with group working in a specific role, trying to manage humanitarian emergency.


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