The admission and evaluation interviews for our International Masters have started!

The admission and evaluation interviews for our International Masters have started!

The admission and evaluation interviews for our International Masters have started!Social Change School and its team of Advisers are ready to start the admission and evaluation interviews for our International Masters PMC, June 2019 Edition, FRAME and HOPE, December 2019 Edition.

For more than twenty years, the interview to access Social Change School’s Masters has been for many people a pivotal turning point!

12 months, blended formula (eLearning + 8 in-presence weekends), completely held in English and for a total of more than 1000 hours. 

If you have the right motivation and want to change your career, fill the interview request, download the programme and wait to be contacted to get more information and book your admission and evaluation interview.

PMC – Master in Project Management for International Cooperation, Euro-Project Management and Local Development

  • Start: June 2019
  • Master Director: Alessio Di Carlo, Founder of CooperAction Onlus and member of Euclid Network – European Network of NonProfit Manager, Social Change School Alumnus.

FRAME – Master in Fundraising Management in the NGOs, Business Administration, Marketing, Communication, Social Media, Campaigns 

  • Start: December 2019
  • Master Director: Filippo Ungaro, Head of Communication, Campaigning and Volunteering at Save the Children

HOPE – Master in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies Managing Projects, People, Administration & Logistic in the field

  • Start: December 2019
  • Master Director: Tanja Berretta, Humanitarian Aid Senior Expert and Independent Consultant.

The selection and evaluation interview has a duration 60 minutes and it’s a real counselling in which an expert will examine your abilities and competences and determine your potential of professional success during a thorough motivational interview.

The topics that will be discussed: social profile, international profile, motivation, professional dream, strengths and areas of improvement. At the end you will receive a complete feedback.

Read the testimonials of those who have experienced it before and book your interview!

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