
Need motivation? Here are 6 useful tips for you.

There are those who have it in spades and those who just can’t find it: motivation. Motivation is like the gasoline we need to fuel any project we want to complete, from the moment we get up in the morning to the moment we go to sleep at night. But even though the world is divided into those who have it and those who don’t, this doesn’t mean it’s a limited resource. It’s not genetically handed down: it can be found; one just needs to know how.

Here are 6 useful tips that can help get us back to being dynamic and pro-active.

1 – Focus on the long term

When satisfying a momentary desire, the satisfaction is reached immediately, but lasts less. It’s better to think in the long term and take small steps towards your goal: this way it will be easier to motivate yourself day by day with the same goal and, in the end, be even happier once you reach it.

Need motivation? Here are 6 useful tips for you.2 – Avoid self-sabotage

Self-sabotage: when you know what you want and you know how to get it but do nothing to achieve it. The reason? If there’s even a single chance of failing, something inside us will make us do so – in order to then blame our failure on external factors.

3 – Move the focus of your goals

Success can have different meanings depending on the objectives one has set for themselves. Therefore, if we fail in something ambitious, we mustn’t for this reason lose our motivation: this reasoning is useful for the achievement of every type of goal, including more modest ones, which could still allow us to reach the satisfactory result we were after.

4 – Celebrate your successes

It’s difficult to appreciate a conquest if, soon after, we don’t even take the time to savor it before getting back in the game. A suggestion is to celebrate every success as much as possible: it helps to keep control over the situation.

5 – Keep your own concept of success in mind

Since the concept of conquest is different from person to person, it’s important to keep one’s own in mind in order to have an objective indicator of measurement: comparing one’s successes to those of others doesn’t make sense, if the meaning is different. “Remember that the ultimate goal is to arrive at the end of fatigue.”

6 – Create rules

It’s important to set out precise rules. It helps our routine and it’s easier to get our goals.

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