
First HOPE Workshop: “Scenario – Paradigms, legal framework, strategic perspectives”

The students of HOPE – Master In Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies Managing Projects, People, Administration & Logistic in the field, of the Edition started in June 2017, took part at their first workshop “SCENARIO – PARADIGMS, LEGAL FRAMEWORK, STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVES” held on the 8th, 9th and 10th of July at the Polo Didattico in Rome.

On the first day, the students were introduced to the Career Development, meeting Silvia Fontana, the Head of Career Development Unit. 

The workshop was lead by professionals from the field of Humanitarian Emergencies, which gave the students the first tools and insights over the sector.

The first day focused in fact on HUMANITARIAN AID AND ETHICS. Federico Marcon, Strategic Growth and Business Development Manager at Australian Red Cross introduced the students to the definitions, concept, history and principles of Humanitarian AID.

Marcon. Workshop HOPE

The second part of the day was led by Marcelo Garcia Dalla Costa, Head of Emergency Unit at INTERSOS on “WHAT IS A HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCY? The context: major crisis and root causes, affected communities, fleeing people”.

At the end of the day, the students could hear stories and personal testimony of experts in humanitarian operations by Marta Collu, Humanitarian Aid Advisor at Italian Development Cooperation Agency.

Marta Collu - Workshop HOPE

The second day was lectured by Federico Marcon focusing on the Legal Framework of humanitarian emergency on the role of Red Cross.

On the 10th, Riccardo Sansone, Head of Humanitarian Emergencies at Oxfam Italia focused on HUMANITARIAN COORDINATION: coordination mechanisms, Cluster System and General framework of humanitarian action.

Riccardo Sansone Workshop HOPE


The three days ended with Marta Persiani’s intervention, Head of Sub Saharan Africa Unit at Save the Children Italy, on why humanitarian aid is needed and what are the challenges and contexts in which it works.

The workshop has been very interesting and the student participated with enthusiasm and will to start this new path with energy and commitment. A good starting point to begin to know the scenario of this sector!

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