workshop frame

Workshop in Fundraising Forms & Techniques – How to teach others the joy of donating

Sunday 18th of December in Rome, was the last day of  the Workshop in FUNDRAISING FORMS & TECHNIQUES for the Master FRAME – Master in FundRaising Management, in NGO’s Business Administration, Marketing, Communication, Social Media, Campaigns held by Silvia Ronza – Lega del Filo d’Oro, Carla Cardelli – Libera, Giancarla Pancione – Save the Children Italia, Marica Fachin – Greenpeace, Veronica Manna – NonProfit Factory.

Fundraising is the art of teaching others the joy of donating” this famous sentence by Henry Rosso, quoted during the lesson of Community Fundraising lead by Veronica Manna, former student and now consultant of the Social Change School, closed the third day of workshop.

The students have achieved important formative objectives, they have, in fact, acquired the main theoretical and practical schemes of the fundraising techniques:

  • The “Legacy Fundraising”, very important theme, in strong growth in Italy as confirmed by Eurisko’s studies, it show a 55% growth in the bequests for the non profit organisations over the past 4 years;
  • The “Corporate Fundraising”, fundraising with enterprises, a fascinating theme, and always in the centre of novelties respect to the Corporate Social  Responsibility (CSR);
  • The role of individual donors, from the one-off donor to the major donor;
  • The “Digital Fundraising” and the close bond with communication, fundraising through online channels, social networks and crowdfunding,
  • The “Community Fundraising” closes the circle and receives the influences of all the other techniques for the nurturing of a community, based on trust, for fundraising dedicated to specific community projects.

In order to better learn the different sectors of fundraising, we stepped  into the analysis of the best campaigns of national and international organisation, to the practice, with laboratories in class.

Many tools, laboratories and analysis of ‘case studies’ were carried out during the workshop. To be underlined, the added value of the experiences of the professionals who lectured during the 3 days.

Following the programme of the 3 days:

Day 1. Legacy Fundraising. Corporate Fundraising

Day 2. Individual Giving

Day 3. Digital Fundraising. Community Fundraising.

Moreover, to complete the cycle of the Fundraising Project Management within an organization, the participants had the chance to verify  with practical examples and suitable tools, the processes of the management of an individual donor.

Finally, the didactic path ended with the presentation of what will be their “Project Work”, the project on which they will work on for the final Master exam, and that will see them involved at first hand, with the identification and formulation of their own project idea.

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