Until October 31 you can take advantage of the pre-enrolment discount for our International Master

Our best discount, only available until September 15

If you enrol in our Masters PMC – Project Management for International CooperationHOPE – Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies or FRAME – Fundraising, Cultural Philanthropy & Advancement (December 2020 Edition) before the 15th of September, you will receive the Early Bird discount.

You can take advantage of:

  • 15% Early Bird discount on the total cost of the Master
  • Almost 25% discount, if you pay the whole cost of the Master in one solution.

The next International Masters Edition will start in December 2020 – registrations are already open and you can schedule an appointment for the Admission and Evaluation Interview.

If you have already been admitted to our Master, you can decide to apply for a Scholarship (not combinable with discounts). Also, don’t forget to check all the economic benefits available.

Social Change School is the leading professional recruitment basin for the sector. The School’s students and alumni hold managerial and significant roles in many of the most prestigious international organizations.

Hurry up and book your Evaluation Interview, necessary for the Admission.

“The master programme had everything I was looking for. Above all, I appreciated the fact that lecturers and trainers are professionals in the sector”. 

Gloria Andretti – International Child Health and Education Professional – Master HOPE student, 2014

Don’t miss the chance, #BeTheChange!

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