
Working4HRM, the new project with the NGOs’ HRM

Marco Crescenzi| 12 April 2016

How is it possible that some of the most well-known and expert Italian NGOs, have an average of 30-40 annual vacancies ‘always on’ and that sometimes they are not able to start their projects because of a lack of staff and losing, moreover, millions of euros?

How is it possible that major International NGOs start recruitment processes and can often close them only after one year?

How is it that, despite a high jobs offer, NGOs often fail even to manage or just to respond in an open-ended way to spontaneous applications – in which- I am sure- they would find the profiles they need- whilst those that have a HRM department, must often rely on external consultants?

What is the difference in the recruitment processes and in the ‘nonprofit professional market’ among Italy, Spain, UK and other countries?

I think that dealing with- and helping to solve- those issues, is one of the main responsibilities of ASVI Social Change as European Leader for Non-profit training.

“Blog4Change” reached in a short time noticeable numbers and collaborators, also thanks to the synergy with the Blog published on “Il Fatto Quotidiano”, the most followed ever in Italy on Non Profit themes (up to 10.000 readers per post).

Starting from today, together with the (editorial and research) project “Working4-HRM”, they will both be channels of comparison for “HRM” colleagues of the sector, in Italy and internationally (EU with a focus on Italy, Spain and the UK, where the EU headquarters of Social Change School are and Southeast Asia), on the burning issues such as:

-the recruitment problems, also with a comparison between different countries-in particular Italy, Spain, Uk.

-the most efficient and effective matching mechanisms and the digitalisation of the recruitment (look at: ex. Development of algorithms for matching)

-the satisfaction and the growth – personal as well- of the internal professionals.

– management programmes and ways of holding internal talents and managers.

– innovative and sustainable methodologies of staff evaluation, as for example the 360 degree-feedback or LEA-Effective Leadership Analysis.

And/or other issues that the colleagues will be willing to propose and discuss about.

I started to bring up those themes also on my Blog on “Il Fatto Quotidiano”, with interesting results, also in terms of, both positive and negative, comments and emails received.

Now it’s your turn!

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