
Marco Crescenzi welcomes ASVI Social Change new students

ASVI Social Change President Crescenzi welcomed a new generation of change makers on the first day of the masters’ edition December 2015.

A special thanks went to all ASVI Social Change partners (Save the ChildrenOxfamAmrefAIESECForum PAASSIF, just to name a few) which contribute to the writing an updating of the masters’ programmes and which are fundamental in recruiting professional lecturers and valid students.

Of course, words of appreciation went to the master Directors as well as to the entire staff which join forces and competences to bring ASVI Social Change to a whole new level of quality in terms of services offered.

The credit for almost 20 years of success goes to the students, too. They have proven the ability to bring new ideas, innovative methods and tools within the organizations where they complete their master programme through their internship.

Crescenzi mainly focused on the importance of detecting, analyzing and adapting to the new scenarios of the Third Sector in order to give a significant contribution within an organization by proposing new paradigms. He talked about the new trends in the Non Profit sector: social innovation, new actors, disintermediation model, social investment, philanthropic capitalism and the importance of being able to deal with new charities and foundations which often finance NGOs’ projects.

The change makers of the future cannot ignore these new trends, on the contrary they must learn how to manage them to create new synergies.

Crescenzi also reminded students not to lose their passion and most importantly to keep smiling because working in the Third Sector is cool!

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