
Workshop: ‘Skills and Tools for Management Development’

The Workshop on Skills and Tools for Management Development which was ended on sunday the 22nd of January in Milan,  it involved the Masters FRAME in Fundraising Management; PMC Project Management for International Cooperation and HOPE in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies, with a total of 40 students.

“Self-efficacy and assertiveness in the Non Profit are two issues strongly linked to our values and even more allow us to express them within organizations” (Luigi Zampi)

The workshop ran through a space of four days and it was led by Luigi Zampi, trainer and a long-time collaborator of Social Change School and a consultant for the process of the Master of Management Development.

On the second day, we also saw the participation of Silvia Fontana, Adviser of Social Change School, Global Peace Index 2016 Ambassador and former Project Planning Officer COOPI – International Cooperation who supported Luigi Zampi in the laboratory of Public Speaking. In addition, during the third day, Sara Bellettato, Human Rights Consultant in Arci Solidarity, accompanied HOPE Master’s students during the Humanitarian Negotiation module in the field with a focus on conflict management in emergencies and in international contexts.

The last day ended with Federico Atzori, Coordinator of the Master FRAME in Fundraising Management, Innovation Officer & Community Manager of Social Change School, who introduced the students to the world of LinkedIn with a special focus on how to use the effective social network for Non-profit professionals.

The students were welcomed by a sunny Milan, attended a workshop rich of information, tutorials, and workshops on the concepts just learned, that allowed a personal work for the development of managerial skills to be spent in a professional environment within organizations.

The workshop was like a stream that started with assertiveness and personal effectiveness and the working group, not treated as abstract subjects but as words and behaviours present every day in professional and personal life of each one. Personal effectiveness that within the Non Profit means: building a vision to be achieved step-by- step always consistent with your values and starting the self-correction and self-affirmation.

Conduct and attitudes that are useful in enhancing your position in a team, on one hand by being listened and understand others, the other allowing the leaders to actively listen to the proposals of the group. During the first day a focus was also dedicated on understanding the behaviour of others through the use the Wholebrain Model of Ned Hermann (a system to measure and describe the preferences of thought in people).

Fabiana of the Master FRAME says: “The most interesting thing is to see how each one is different and uses a style to express themselves”

If being heard is important, it is in the same way, to speak with efficacy: this was the objective of the second day focused on public speaking. As  “Paul Watzlawich” said: you cannot help but communicate, you communicate both with words and with the body: here is the focus on the analysis of the physical skills of the presenter with some personal presentations of the students and the focus on the organization of the speech through the method the “train of thought of the listener.” An effective model for presentations by starting from the listener’s needs and through 7 step creating a clear and effective project proposal. The students during their presentations were involved by the teacher in moments of peer-to-peer feedback.

A student of the PMC master, at the end of the demonstration, said: “It was important to receive feedback from others to understand where and how to improve.”

The third morning was dedicated to Conflict Management. This issue was dealt in several ways: for Master in Project Management for International Cooperation and Fundraising Management, a focus on conflicts was made within organizations and how to reach a joint decision through a “cooperative method”; the students of the Master in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies instead have been able to focus on Humanitarian Negotiation in the field, with the understanding of different patterns and conflict resolution models and a final workshop which saw the same students involved in the solution of a conflict based on a case study.

The afternoon of the third day was devoted to the definition of the personal Swot Analysis who led the students earlier on their own to understand their strengths, improvement, opportunities and risks associated with them and their environment, and then to share thier analysis in the group to receive suggestions and an “external” view on the achievement of its goals. This was the first step towards the definition of personal goals and above all professional.

The fourth and final day was dealt with the “LinkedIn module for Non Profit”, a first part organized on the discussion on the potential of social networks for professionals and the benefits for both individuals and for the organizations. A second part was devoted to the laboratory on the personal profiles of students who were able to improve their presence on LinkedIn understanding the practices of the networking and the benefits of a strong and coherent network.

Following the four-day program:

Day 1.

  • Self-effectiveness and personal assertivity
  • Self-effectiveness and assertivity in the team work

Day 2.

Public speaking

Day 3. 

  • Conflict Management (master PMC and FRAME)
  • Humanitarian Negotiation in the field (master HOPE).
  • Personal Swot Analysis.

Day 4.

  • LinkedIn and the Non Profit


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