
Opening Ceremony: Ready to Impact!

The initial meeting was held on Friday, the 7th of July, in Rome, for the Masters in Project Management for International Cooperation, Master in Fundraising Management and Master in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies Managing Projects, People, Administration & Logistic in the field.

The first day was held entirely in English with students from different parts of Europe, divided among institutional interventions and presentations of the President of the Social Change School, Marco Crescenzi, the keynote speech by Federico Marcon, former student of the Social Change School and now Strategic Growth and Business Development Manager at Australian Red Cross.

Leaders of some NGOs historically partners attended, especially Marcelo Garcia Dalla Costa Emergency Unit Responsible at Intersos – lecturer of the Master HOPE, Marco Galaverni responsible for the Bio Diversity of  WWF Italia, Chiara Grecchi HR Selection Officer at EmergencyRoberta Rughetti Programme Director at AMREFGianpaolo Montini, General Director of Peter Pan OnlusFarida Bena Master PMC Director, and also representative of AGIREAIESECErasmus Student Network Italia.

After a symbolic handover from the student of the previous edition to the new students, the staff then discussed the Masters and relative Qualifying processes, the Story, the Didactic Model of the Social Change School, a “blended” model (mixed) with a combination of distance and in class learning during the Master, developed in over 20 years of cooperation with NGOs.

Project works were introduced: from conception to realization and presentation for the final exam. 

During the afternoon, we focused on the processes of Professional Development and Career Development of the Social Change School.

The students were involved in the afternoon in a Self-Impact Presentation – Creativity for self-improvement. A moment that is ‘warm’ and full of emotions and expectations, during which they could present themselves to their colleagues and staff in two minutes, telling their story, dream and goal for the master using an object that holds a special meaning to represent them.

A warm welcome and a big good luck to our students!


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