
#FromtheField: Daniela in South Sudan for Health and Nutrition Emergency

In South Sudan, I was project leader with CCM – Comitato Collaborazione Medica  of a UTL project: health and nutrition emergency. The area was in in the centre of the country, Lake State, affected by intense waves that Internally Displaced People (there was about 150.000 people, in an area that, until December 2013, when the civil war broke out, and now there are about 10.000).

CCM supports public health and closely works with the ministerial authorities, with the aim to provide universal access to care and sustainability: we supported the primary health care facilities, by supplying of care and prevention services, and building a centre of stabilisation for children malnutrition with medical complications (this was not existing in the County, therefore there was a high percentage of children particularly amongst the affected population who were affected, suffered from malnutrition), creating- we collaborated with groups of women who were present in the villages- community vegetable gardens, are in close proximity to the health facilities, and the cultivation of vegetables and fruits are managed collectively .

I believe that most of the work of a project leader, is learnt on the field, but some tools  that I  gained during the Master PMC- Project Management for International Cooperation of the Social Change School has been very useful, in particular, the ones related to the monitoring process, particularly for monitoring and analysing the trend of the project and progress made when compared to the pre-established indicators and targets; the actual expenditure compared to the forecasted budget, aided my comprehension of what managing a budget meant and also reporting  in accordance to the specific guidelines established by the donor.

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