
Bruno Clerici

Career Development Service Coordinator

Bruno has accumulated over twenty years of professional experience in the Third Sector throughout his career, particularly in logistics in emergency or prolonged crisis contexts with NGOs in both Africa and Asia. He has worked with Italian NGOs such as INTERSOS, ICEI, and for 10 years with COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale – where he undertook both long- and short-term missions (Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Central African Republic, Haiti, Mali, Nigeria, and also at the headquarters in Milan). He also worked with Handicap International (HI) to manage the logistical merger between the French and Belgian sections of the NGO, which led him to train several HI logistics teams in Burundi and Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos).

His educational background also reflects this experience, having obtained a BAC+2 diploma from the Bioforce Institute in France as a “logistician for international solidarity.”

In the past eight years, he has applied his logistical expertise in the field of consulting, training, and education, contributing to the preparation of numerous online, on-demand, and face-to-face training courses. These consultancy roles have brought him into contact with a greater number of humanitarian organizations, expanding his network of relationships with humanitarian organizations and HR professionals. This networking has helped him understand the training needs and skill requirements within the Third Sector.

He currently lives in Amman, Jordan, with frequent travel to Europe for collaborations with Social Change School.

In his role with Social Change School, Bruno supports and assists students in discovering their vocation, enhancing their skills, and creating networking opportunities between master’s students, alumni, and Third Sector organizations looking for personnel.

Learn more about Bruno by reading his interview.

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