fundraising strategies

Workshop in Rome on Fundraising Strategies & Planning for Master FRAME students

“Fundraising Strategies & Planning” in Rome for the Master FRAME

From the 16th to the 19th of November, Master FRAME in Fundraising Management in the NGOs Business Administration, Marketing, Communication, Social Media, Campaigns students were in Rome for the Workshop on FUNDRAISING STRATEGIES & PLANNING, held at Latte Creative. The students, had been guided by: Giampiero Giacomel – Master FRAME Senior Adviser, Head of Individual Giving  from the Scottish Opera and former student of the Social Change School – and Francesco Stefanini – Executive Director at Mary’s Meals International and former student of the Social Change School.

Following the programme of the Workshop:

Day one was led by Giampiero Giacomel and focused on “FUNDRAISING MANAGEMENT: INTRODUCTION”. It was an opportunity for the student to get to know the frameworks and the development of the Fundraising activities.

The second day, always with G. Giacomel, was dedicated to the themes of “BUDGET, STRATEGIC PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT OF FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES”, with a focus on the Fundraising cycle (needs, audience, forms, evaluation) and on the strategic planning for Fundraising, on how to set fundraising goals and budget.

During the third day, F. Stefanini held a lecture on “MANAGING DONORS RELATIONSHIPS”. The objectives were to understand the reasons for the different modalities of “individual and corporate giving”, the identification and the segmentation of donors and how to manage donors relationships.

Sunday, November 19, was the final day; F. Stefanini lectured on “MANAGING DONORS DATABASE” with an introduction to the Customer Relationship Management and on its implementation, structure and functionality. Furthermore, the students also looked into the theme of International Fundraising, for identifying the basis of fundraising in different countries and for the creation of an International Fundraising strategy.

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