
Master HOPE in Rome: Understanding Humanitarian Emergency with professionals from the NGOs

Between the 27th and the 30th of January 2018, the cycle of workshops on “AREA SCENARIO PARADIGMS, LEGAL FRAMEWORK,STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVES” for Master HOPE – Master in Humanitarian Operations in Emergencies, Managing Projects, People Administration & Logistic in the Field– Edition December 2017, was held in Rome, at Polo Didattico. The workshop was led by Marco Crescenzi – President and Founder of the Social Change School, Marta Collu – Emergency Advisor at the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, Marcelo Garcia dalla Costa – Head of Emergency Unit at INTERSOS, Cristina Perozzi – Italian Red Cross, Riccardo Sansone – Head of Humanitarian Emergencies at Oxfam Italiaand Gianluca Ranzato – International Humanitarian Manager at Save the Children Italia.

After the International Masters’ Opening Ceremony that took place on January 26, the students started the first day of Workshop with the Social Change School President and Founder M. Crescenzi, who introduced them to “VEHICLES FOR SOCIAL CHANGE: THE NONPROFIT SECTOR, HYSTORY, REGULATION, ORGANIZATIONS” and “HOW TO CHANGE THE WORLD? PARADIGMS, STRATEGIES, SOCIAL ACTIONS…SOCIAL CHANGE!” for giving them a clearer understanding of the NonProfit world and of the vehicles for Social Change.

The second day was dedicated to an initial approach to “HUMANITARIAN AID AND ETHICS” during the morning and to “WHAT IS A HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCY?” during the afternoon. Furthermore, the students had a first contact with the Humanitarian Scenario, the Humanitarian Principles and a first introduction to what is Humanitarian Emergency, in a very experiential way, through the knowledge and experiences of professionals of the sector:  Marta Collu from  Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and Marcelo Garcia Dalla Costa from INTERSOS.

The third day was with Cristina Perozzi from Italian Red Cross and was completely dedicated to “HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCY: THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK and THE ROLE OF RED CROSS” as one of the main actors of the Humanitarian Operations Context. At the end of the day the fellows had the opportunity to have a skype call with Alex Farrington, the Head of Partnership at the Humanitarian Leadership Academy, a new organization which enables people around the world to prepare and respond to humanitarian crisis. Alex introduced the online courses and how to access to the learning materials.

On Tuesday morning, the workshop was dedicated to “HUMANITARIAN COORDINATION” led by Riccardo Sansone, Head of Humanitarian Emergencies at OXFAM Italia. In the afternoon the lecture was focused on “WHY HUMANITARIAN AID IS NEEDED? THE CONTEXT AND THE CHALLENGES”, presented by Gianluca Ranzano International Humanitarian Manager at Save the Children Italia. Both lessons were very engaging and dynamics, full of examples and field experiences shared by the lecturers.

The objective achieved in this series of workshops was to give the students a global understanding of the Humanitarian Scenario, Legal framework, types of crisis, Emergency coordination and challenges.



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