
Motivational letters from people who want to professionally impact the world by attending the Master Programme

My colleagues and I, who coordinate the Admission and Evaluation face-to-face interviews, receive thousands of motivational letters each year, from all over Europe and the rest of the world, from people aged 23 to 55.  Each letter is peculiar and uniquely motivated as a result of an unbelievable mix of personal story, motivation, aspirations and experiences.

Finding a balance between one’s dreams & concreteness, high aspirations and getting your hands dirty on the field as opposed to the difficulty faced in reality to achieve them. A stirring desire to turn their lives around by imparting the lives of others through their career that will subsequently give a meaning to their existence.

The appeal to travel, explore, is reconciled with the desire to manage projects, create financial and social business. Reading these letters is a fundamental, rewarding and amazing aspect of our job. Each story reveals the veracity and urgency of individuals determined to make a difference. Having a fine combination of the courage to dream and the search for competences to fulfil it. This for us is a fantastic and great responsibility to realize your dreams with you.

Here are testimonials of expectations from our incoming students, who took the interview, we are pleased to share it with you- is it a reflection of what you seek?

 “…In the future I want to dedicate all my energies and time to my greatest passion: the defence of human rights. I’ve always shown interest in environmental and social issues, and I’ve grown up in a family which was extremely receptive towards the problem of human rights; for this reason, I want to give my contribution to the safeguard and full affirmation of people’s rights.” B.C

 “I expect to learn how to manage programmes and funds, because my goal with this specialisation is become a professional in dealing with resources (both financial and human) to allocate in economic and social enhancement actions.” S.C.

 “The Master in Project Management will give me the chance to develop a new career and to get actively involved in social change.” N.S

 “The Master in Humanitarian Operations in Emergency course perfectly corresponds with my aspirations and expectations, mixing both theoretical and practical tools and offering the challenging opportunity to interface with international institutions and NGOs. This course represents to me an excellent and structured first step to get into the International Cooperation career.” L.M.

“I have a strong drive to take a Master at the Social Change Non-profit School of Management, because my desire to further implement my managerial skills and gain in-depth knowledge on the non-profit sector” A.L.

“The decision to participate in the master is because I want to do better, be active and play an important role in the work place, and not just as one who does his homework.” D.C.

“I became interested in the Social Change School Master, particularly the Master in Fund-raising, management because it will add value and determine a turning point in my professional life.” G.S:

“This is an opportunity of training that allows me to increase my theoretical and technical background for the rest of my work and for professional advancement addressed particularly to the management and coordination of cooperation projects, both in emergency contexts that development.” G.P.

“The Master in Project Management would allow me to gain strong skills, in view of a future profession in the field of an international and nongovernmental organization, and to also be a part of international cooperation plans promoted by national, European and international institutions” M.P.

“I see the Social Change school as a springboard, which will equip me with necessary tools to make me a professional useful to the cause, I am aware that the good will and commitment in certain situations are not sufficient unless accompanied by knowledge and programming. ” P.D.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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