
Request your admission and evaluation interview

Do you really want to make a difference in the nonprofit world, but you need to test your potential?

The Social Change School admission and evaluation interview is a real counselling in which a manager from an NGO will check your skills and competences, verify your professional potentiality and predict your professional success during a deep motivational interview. 

You will be interviewed either by Marco Crescenzi, Social Change School President, by Farida Bena Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD), Campaigns Coordinator at Oxfam and Policy and Advocacy Coordinator for CPDE, an online platform that unites 4000 ONGs from around the world on the issue of development effectiveness, by Alessio di CarloFounder of CooperAction Onlus and member of Euclid Network – the European network of civil society leaders, by Lodovico Mariani HR Officer at Intersos or by other qualified professionals of the Sector.

The interview can be done either on Skype or in person, in RomeMilan, Madrid, Paris or London.

Starting from 29 August 2016 you are going to be contacted in order to book your Admission and Evaluation interview.

Those of you making a request by 31 August 2016 will have a free interview.

The Social Change School is waiting for you!

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