
The Admission and Evaluation Interview: a counselling with professionals from international NGOs!

The Admission and Potential Evaluation Interview lasts 60 minutes, and it is a real counselling in which a manager or HRM from an NGO will give you a complete overview of your skills and competences and will verify your professional orientation by addressing you towards the choice of the most suitable Master for you.

You will have the chance ask many questions to better understand your possible… future! 

The dimensions investigated are: Social Profile, International Profile, Motivation, Professional Dreams, Strenght and Weak points. At the end, you will receive a complete feedback.

You will be interviewed either by Marco Crescenzi, Social Change School President, by Farida Bena Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD), Campaigns Coordinator at Oxfam and Policy and Advocacy Coordinator for CPDE, an online platform that unites 4000 ONGs from around the world on the issue of development effectiveness, by Alessio di Carlo, Founder of CooperAction Onlus and member of Euclid Network – the European network of civil society leaders, by Lodovico Mariani (Finance and Administration Director di Amref Health Africa – Italia), by Paola Cocchi (HR Manager di Amref Health Africa – Italia), or Silvia Fontana (Former Project Planning Officer at COOPI, Global Peace Index Ambassador) or by other qualified professionals of the Sector.

The interview can be done either and preferably on Skype, or in person, when possible, in RomeMilan, Paris, London or Madrid. To book the interview is required a solidarity contribution of € 48 which will be allocated to our Scholarships Fund which is intended to support disadvantaged students.

Every year, we hold 300 interviews, with a careful selection of the applicants and with about 100 students enrolled each year to the International Masters Social Change School. 

It has really changed the life of hundreds of people, who realised their dream of becoming project managers, fundraisers or managers in the humanitarian emergency context, working on the field and with the NGOs.

The demand for these post-master professional profiles, is very high, especially in the scope of the International NGOs, and we need more leaders!

The Social Change School is the leading professional recruitment basin for the NGOs with 96% of qualified employment achieved within one year after the end of the Master, as shown by the lastest “follow up” analysis on qualified job and employment.

Are you ready to invest in your future and your dreams? Book the Interview now!

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