
Parting Feelings of those who help others to help

The 25th of November at the Polo Didattico at Rome was a day where the December 2015 Edition of the International Master programme at the Social Change School was completed. Closing words are left to the Social Change School staff:

“The Presentation of personal project work of the Master Students who attended, PMC- Master in Project Management for International Cooperation, Euro-Project Management and Local Development and have successfully completed a programme that commenced a year ago. The Master introduced them to tools, competences and methods for extracting knowledge from evidence. My time as coordinator of the PMC master has been a testing one because all the students come with their relative baggage that is brought into their professional future. I work closely with them, which I am proud and delighted of because of the results achieved by them. It has been an intensely busy year, sometimes difficult and challenging, but definitely satisfying. To quote the words of one of the graduates: “it was a hectic year with so many tools to use to change the world.”

Cinzia D’Intino – Coordinator of Master in Project Management for International Cooperation.


“The final day of the Masters from my point of view, is a time of departure: The beginning of this chapter in their book started a year ago and it will continue with the  SCIC-– Social Change International Community. The students emerge from this course very aware and I as co-ordinator and Community Manager, I feel great satisfaction in seeing the complete professionals they have become and this was very evident during the discussion of their project work in which demonstrated that they have made good use of the tools learnt during the year. They are also people with great human competences and this is just as satisfying as observing the rapport that has formed between them, within the class and the teammates. As the coordinator of Master FRAME in Fundraising Management, it is a privilege to accompany the students along the path that puts them on a platform to face new challenges, passions and knowledge. The feeling at the end of the year of having contributed, even minutely, to the realization of the dreams of the students empowers and fuels my energy and enthusiasm. To properly describe my role I quote the words of Sara, a graduate from the Master in Fundraising Management: “the tools but most especially the motivation to realise my dream”.

Federico Atzori – Coordinator of Master in Fundraising Management in the NGOs and Community Manager


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